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The old Greeks watched the tiny inner scales of these fertile flowers grow into the husk of the nut, fancied its resemblance to a helmet, and called the bush corys; whence its botanic name corylus. Its English name comes from the Saxon haesle, a cap. The growing hazel nuts gladdened the children of most of the early civilized world.

His favourite haunts are the thickets of Corylus rubus, and Amelanchiers, under the shade of which he makes his lair, and upon the berries of which he partially subsists.

The following few plants are such as are used for domestic purposes which do not fall under any of the foregoing heads, and I therefore have placed them together here. CONFERVA. This green thready substance has the power of rendering foetid water sweet; for which purpose, when water is scarce, it is usually put into water-tubs and reservoirs. CORYLUS Avellana.

DOG-WOOD. This is planted in pleasuregrounds as an ornamental shrub, and from the red appearance of the wood in the winter forms a beautiful constrast in plantations. It is also used by butchers for making skewers. CORYLUS Avellana. THE HAZEL. Is a well known shrub of large growth producing nuts, which are much admired. The Filbert is an improved variety of this plant.

On one occasion leaves of Corylus were much discoloured by being kept for eighteen hours in pancreatic fluid, without any thymol. With young and tender leaves immersion in human saliva during rather warm weather, acted in the same manner as the pancreatic fluid, but not so quickly. The leaves in all these cases often became infiltrated with the fluid.

Instances are on record of the hazel, Corylus Avellana, of the allied Corylus tubulosa, of the red beech, the brown birch and of some other purple varieties. Even the red bananas, which bear fruits without seeds and therefore have no other way of being propagated than by buds, have produced a green variety with yellow fruits.

There is a variegated form in cultivation. The various species of Corylopsis are very ornamental garden plants, and to be recommended, on account of their early flowering, for prominent positions in the shrubbery or by the woodland walk. Light, rich loam seems to suit them well. CORYLUS AVELLANA PURPUREA. Purple Hazel.