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They showed further from evidence independent of that obtained by Young in 1892 the remarkable conspicuousness in spot-spectra of vanadium lines excessively faint in the Fraunhofer spectrum. Lockyer's "unknown lines" may probably thus be accounted for. They represent absorption, not by new, but by scarce elements, especially, Father Cortie thinks, those with atomic weights of about 50.

These are the H and K of prominences. Preuss. Roy. Roy. Mag., vol. xvi. It is obtained by the interference of rays, in the manner first exemplified by Fraunhofer, and affords the only unvarying standard for measurement. A. L. Cortie, Astr. and Astrophysics, vol. xi., p. 401. Jour. of Science, vol. xli., p. 243. Jour, of Science, vol. xiv., p. 89; Nature, vol. xvi., p. 364; Month.

But the result, so far, has been to negative the ascription to them of any systematic direction. Uprushes and downrushes are doubtless, as Father Cortie remarks, "correlated phenomena in the production of a sun-spot"; but neither seem to predominate as part of its regular internal economy. The same kind of spectroscopic evidence tells heavily against a theory of sun-spots started by Faye in 1872.

Not., vol. xxxviii., p. 473; Trowbridge and Hutchins, Amer. A. L. Cortie, Month. Brit. Astr. Roy. Soc. Roy. Newton was the first who attempted to measure the quantity of heat received by the earth from the sun. His object in making the experiment was to ascertain the temperature encountered by the comet of 1680 at its passage through perihelion.