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When the Germans are shelling this hill, when they're taking your hunters to pull their cook-wagons, maybe, you'll believe then." "Are you serious?" demanded Van Vorst. "And you an army officer?" "That's why I am serious," returned McCoy. "We know.

Into it the wagons turned and all the horses were unhitched. Then the cooks started fires in the stoves on the cook-wagons, and all the strange men and women had coffee. And then, just as the Sun was coming up and the night was all gone, they went to work. Up in the centre of the field they raised three tall poles. They were almost as high as the Long White Finger of the Church.

The big, round-topped yellow tents, sheltering twenty men each and looking like huge tortoises, stood in a line. From the cook-wagons, modeled on the design of those carried by an American circus, came the heavy, meaty smells of stews boiling in enormous caldrons. The men were lying or sitting on straw piles, singing German marching songs as they waited for their supper.

When the Germans are shelling this hill, when they're taking your hunters to pull their cook-wagons, maybe, you'll believe THEN." "Are you serious?" demanded Van Vorst. "And you an army officer?" "That's why I am serious," returned McCoy. "WE know.