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"Boys," continued Dick, turning to the others, "I'm mighty sorry to have spoiled your fun, but I'll see that you don't regret your visit to Santa . Come into the house and I'll tell how it happened. The cigars and the drinks are on me!" "Well, as I said before, Dick," exclaimed Blake, "you're the cussedest, most contrariest feller I ever seen.

Meanwhile his brother had seen Annie and had fallen in love with her, as everybody did who saw her sweet pretty face. So the sick son married the well sister, and the well son married the sick sister, and they all lived happy and died happy, and never drank out of a dry cappy. At Hilton Hall, long years ago, there lived a Brownie that was the contrariest Brownie you ever knew.

I know what they're like. I had one once for a school-teacher. I can feel her lickings yet. She was the contrariest female I ever met. Shucks, I Well, if I gotta, I gotta. Might's well get it over with now as later. Thanks, ma'am, for helping me out." Racey Dawson shambled dejectedly forth to effect the feeding of Miss Molly Dale's horse at the hotel corral.

"Yes," says the boy, with a vacant look, "I take no interest in the pleasure of the chase any more, though I did have a little quiet fun this morning at the breakfast table. You see Pa is the contrariest man ever was. If I complain that anything at the table don't taste good, Pa says it is all right.

Yes'em, but ah thinks them hosses got away from the Rebels; seem lak ah heard they did." "Hosses? Ah wishes ah had me a team right now, and ah'd make me my own good livin! No'em, don't want no mule. They is set on havin they own way, an the contrariest critters! But a mule is a wuk animal, an eats little. Lotsa wuk in a mule.

"You couldn't hire me at all if it wasn't for Barbie," sez I. "An' I wouldn't hire you at all if it wasn't for her," he snaps. "You can do the right thing at the right time better'n any other man I ever had; but you're the contrariest man to work with on the job. You're allus flyin' up, an' you'd talk back if your throat was cut." "I'm free," sez I, "an' what's more, I know it.