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The Peripatetics teach some beliefs of this nature; but it would be the greatest injustice in the world to be ready to despise on that account an Occam, a Suisset, a Cesalpino, a Conringius, men who still advocated certain scholastic opinions which have been improved upon to-day.

That is the opinion of the famous Conringius, in a dissertation he published on what is just. Thus it is an act of corrective justice, wherein punitive justice has no part at all. But we will not amuse ourselves now by discussing a question more curious than necessary, since we have shown sufficiently that there is no such necessity in voluntary actions.

I have also observed in answering the difficulties of M. Bayle that, according to the celebrated Conringius, justice which punishes by means of medicinal penalties, so to speak, that is, in order to correct the criminal or at least to provide an example for others, might exist in the opinion of those who do away with the freedom that is exempt from necessity.

His love to his country led him to advance several things in this work, which he afterwards owned to be mistakes ; in particular, that the Batavi had always been free, and not subject to the ancient Franks . While this book was in the press, Grotius, and his father, who commonly assisted him in his writings, translated it into Dutch . Ep. 635. p. 947. Grotii manes, Conringius, Pope, p. 947.