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She was confidin' to me that she finds it lonely up at Rilla, and I don't wonder." "She've confided the same thing to me several times, off and on," said Cai. "Ah?" . . . 'Bias was unmoved. "Then maybe it'll help ye to guess how the land lies." "It do, more or less," Cai agreed: and then, as a bright thought struck him. "Why shouldn't we lend her the musical box? It's it's more reliable, any way."

But thoughts of the quick, ardent temper of my beloved companion bade me relinquish the thought of confidin' in him. No, I dassent, for I knew that his weight wuz but small by the steelyards, and Mr. Pomper's size wuz elephantine, with probably muscles accordin'. No, I felt I must rely on myself. But the feelin's I felt nobody can tell.

Then she all lonely and exposed, I went, and fetched her out of seducers' ways which they may say what they like, but the inn'cent is most open to when they're healthy and confidin' I fetch her, and the liberty boxed her safe in my own house. So much for that sweet! That you may do with women. But it's him Mr. Richard I am bold, I know, but there I'm in for it, and the Lord'll help me!

Then she all lonely and exposed, I went, and fetched her out of seducers' ways which they may say what they like, but the inn'cent is most open to when they're healthy and confidin' I fetch her, and the liberty boxed her safe in my own house. So much for that sweet! That you may do with women. But it's him Mr. Richard I am bold, I know, but there I'm in for it, and the Lord'll help me!

Auntie Jinit gave her trim bonnet-strings a jerk, flapped the old gray mare with the lines and began her confidences in a business-like manner. "Ye're a wise lassock, Lizzie," she said, by way of introduction, "an' ah'm gaun to hae a bit private crack wi' ye. Ye're aunt's brocht ye up weel, an' ah ken ah'm takin' nae risk in confidin' in ye.

Lucky for the buffaloes I niver took a notion to go out and kill siveral thousand: for that raison we find the drove out there so innocent and confidin' that they don't know enough to be afeard of us." "Maybe they have no cause to be." "But they can't know that I'm not goin' to shoot among them, so why shouldn't they be scared out of their siven sinses?

Boys, I begin to think that p'r'aps after all we're doin' wrong in submittin' to the encroachments o' the alien. Hear, hear! shouted half a dozen voices. 'It strikes me that the inferior race that can skin Levi Long to his pelt in a gamble is providin' no fit associates for guileless an' confidin' children o' the Occident, like yourselves, f'r instance.

I could see that she was very, VERY sentimental, but she had a sweet, confidin', innocent look to her, and I give her a good kissin' and I meant it. When I like a person, I do like 'em, and visy-versey. But at the same time my likin' for a person mustn't be strong enough to overthrow my principles.

Shore, when he rounds to an' learns it ain't nothin' but a toe, this party's chagrined to death. "This yere confidin' sport's arrested an' taken some'ers Prescott mebby to be tried in a shore-enough co't for the robberies; the Red Dog Stranglers not bein' game to butt in an' hang him a lot themse'fs.

Markham's that you want her aunt exposed? An' can't I fix it some other way?" "What do you know about Miss Markham?" asked the sitter. "I've opened myself up to you like a school-girl in a cosey corner chat," said Rosalie Le Grange; "ain't it time you was doin' some confidin'?" "Did you ever hear that Miss Markham had been brought up to be a medium?