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The right humerus was fractured at the external condyle; there was a fracture of the coronoid process of the ulna, and a backward dislocation at the elbow. The annular ligament was ruptured, and the radius was separated from the ulna. On the left side there was a fracture of the anatomic neck of the humerus, and a dislocation downward.

Spasmodic contraction of the crural muscles which sometimes retains the patella in such position that the leg is rigidly extended, does not in itself constitute luxation of the patella; and unless this bone becomes lodged on the upper portion of a femoral condyle or laterally displaced out of its femoral groove, luxation cannot be said to exist in the horse. These are sub-luxations.

Ball, an Irish surgeon, has collected several instances in which the base of the skull has been driven in and the condyle of the jaw impacted in the opening by force transmitted through the lower maxilla. The tolerance of foreign bodies in the brain is most marvelous.

In the Anatomical Museum at Bonn, under the designation of 'Giant's-bones, are some recent thigh-bones, with which in thickness the foregoing pretty nearly correspond, although they are shorter. Length...542 = 21.4"...438 = 17.4". Diameter of head of femur...54 = 2.14"...53 = 2.0". Diameter of lower articular end, from one condyle to the other...89 = 3.5"...87 = 3.4".

The femur is more like that of the Paloeotheria than that of the horse, and has only a small depression above its outer condyle in the place of the great fossa which is so obvious in the Equidoe. The fibula is distinct, but very slender, and its distal end is ankylosed with the tibia. There are three toes on the hind foot having similar proportions to those on the fore foot.

Thus the ulna is complete throughout, and its shaft is not a mere rudiment, fused into one bone with the radius. There are three toes, one large in the middle and one small on each side. The femur is quite like that of a horse, and has the characteristic fossa above the external condyle.

Summing up he says, that "the claw, the scapula, the condyle, the femur, and all the other bones, taken separately, will give the tooth or one another; and by commencing with any one, he who had a rational conception of the laws of the organic economy, could reconstruct the whole animal."

This fact, the result of much experience, is extremely interesting, and, I think, not easy to be explained. It is illustrated by the following case. Robert Hill, aged 16, received a blow yesterday from a bone which was thrown at him, upon the outer condyle of the humerus. He complains of extreme pain and there are much redness and swelling.

An exploded shell passed through the hamstring muscles of the right thigh and embedded itself in the ligamentous tissues of the internal condyle of the femur. Shot by a ball between the 6th and 7th ribs of the left side. Bayonetted through the body, the steel passing through the left lobe of the liver and penetrating the posterior border of the diaphragm.

#Dislocation of the ulnar nerve# at the elbow results from sudden and violent flexion of the joint, the muscular effort causing stretching or laceration of the fascia that holds the nerve in its groove; it is predisposed to if the groove is shallow as a result of imperfect development of the medial condyle of the humerus, and by cubitus valgus.