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Society must make life worth the living and the refining for the individual by conditioning him to love and to seek the love-object in a manner that reflects a constructive effect upon his fellow-men and by giving him suitable opportunities.

When the question of conditioning or dismissing a student on the ground of defective scholarship comes up for decision, his opinion must be given and weighed in connection with that of others, in order that the faculty may strike a fair general average.

"I was still me as long as I stayed away from conditioning." "Then you became Rynch Brodie in spite of your flight." "No well, maybe, for a while. But I'm still Vye Lansor here." "Yes, here. And I don't think you'll have to worry about raising a premium to get a new start. You can claim victim compensation, you know." Vye was silent, but Hume did not let him remain so.

We thus seemed to grasp that all phenomena, including our Physical Egos, are but the shadows or outline of the Reality, as depicted on our limited plane of consciousness; but these phenomena, having Motion for their basis, are none the less real to us under our present outlook, limited as it is by conditioning in Time and Space, and we have to deal with them as realities in our everyday life.

Most of them do this so unconsciously that they swear they eat less than most people. There are a number of appetite-curbing drugs on the market today, but they should not be necessary for anyone who has acquired self-hypnosis. Keep this figure ever in mind and use it along with conditioning yourself against certain fatty and starchy foods.

There is, so far as I know, no testing for water in wools and furs in this country, and certainly no "conditioning establishments" , and, I suppose, if a German or French wool merchant or furrier could be imagined as selling wool, etc., in part to a German or French firm, and in part to an English one, the latter would take the material without a murmur, though it might contain 10 per cent., or, peradventure, 30 per cent. of water, and no doubt the foreign, just as the English merchant or dealer, would get the best price he could, and regard the possible 10 per cent. or 30 per cent. of water present with certainly the more equanimity the more of that very cheap element there were present.

Now that Cissie had pointed out this universal rule, Peter saw it very clearly. And Peter suspected that beneath this rough classification, and conditioning it, lay a plexus of obscure mental and physical reactions set up by the relations between husband and wife.

The circumstances conditioning this prospective era of peace and prosperity will necessarily differ from the corresponding circumstances that conditioned the Victorian peace, and many of these points of difference it is also possible to forecast in outline with a fair degree of confidence.

The Tatar girl looked over her shoulder. Perhaps she too was troubled by the sense that here time was subtly telescoped, that past and present might be meeting. Or was that feeling with them both because of their enforced conditioning? "Who?" Now her voice sank in turn. "Listen " he regarded her intently "did your people or the Reds ever find any traces of the old civilization here ruins?" "No."

"I believe you're right," said Calhoun. "She doesn't belong on Weald, or with the conditioning she'd have had, there'd be only one place she'd dread worse than Orede, which would be Dara. But I doubt she'd be afraid to land even on Dara." Murgatroyd liked to be talked to. He liked to pretend that he carried on a conversation, like humans. "Chee-chee!" he said with conviction.