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I take upon myself to say that, had the world been informed that an alliance had been arranged between the eldest son of the Duke of Omnium and the daughter of Earl Grex, the world would have been satisfied. Every unmarried daughter of every peer in England would have envied me, but it would have been comme il faut." "Certainly, my dear."

"Voyez comme M. de Chateaubriand prie Dieu," the Viscount's eloquence seems always to say. There is a sanctified grimace about the little French pilgrim which it is very difficult to contemplate gravely. The pictures, images, and ornaments of the principal Latin convent are quite mean and poor, compared to the wealth of the Armenians. The convent is spacious, but squalid.

They were all, I tell you, before 12 in my parlour, eating cake and chattering, and talking the whole farce over, comme a la grille du convent. I can at present tell you no more, but I was impatient to begin my letter a cette heure; j'ai en quelque facon satisfait a mon envie. I shall embark at eleven for Isleworth, and hope with a fair wind to land at Campbell-ford stairs in ten minutes after.

Scully condescends to come out with anything less than four horses and outriders. 'Elle veut acheter la distinction comme elle vendait du jambon

I spoke to her, and the blessed little creature answered me in a voice of such heavenly sweetness, with that reedy thrill in it which you have heard in the thrush's even-song, that I hear it at this moment, while I am writing, so many, many years afterwards. C'est tout comme un serin, said the French student at my side.

I know not how widespread it is, or how fashionable, but it reigned in circles which seemed to my unsophisticated eyes quite comme il faut. The custom is that by which a man having once asked a lady to dance becomes responsible for her until someone else offers himself as her partner.

I have no doubt there are girls here in the village I should like to see, and perhaps some young fellows that I should like to talk with. You know all that's prettiest and pleasantest, of course." "Oh, we're a little place, Mr. Lindsay. A few nice people, the rest comme Va, you know.

It was Sunday morning at Putnam's, and in Maudie's estimation things were more comme il faut than they had been for long past. About a fortnight since there had been trouble in the yard during the night, and after it, for some hours before he went away, the Monster-without-Manners had been subdued almost to gentlemanliness. Then two of the fan-tails had been taken ill.

The programme was so characteristically French that I give it: "Amphitrite vivante. Tous les soirs au couche du soleil elle laisse son palais royal de coraux et d'algues, et sort des vagues sombres pour jouir de son amour ideal. Legere et vaporeuse comme un ange, elle caresse les ondes, et observe d'un doux regard son ideal, et replonge au fond de l'ocean.

"This myrtle has a delightful perfume," added he, rubbing the leaf between his fingers. "But, after all," said Lady Delacour, throwing aside the book, "This heroine of Marmontel's is not la femme comme il y en a peu, but la femme comme il n'y en a point." "Mrs. Margaret Delacour's carriage, my lady, for Miss Delacour," said a footman to her ladyship.