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Zealously did he fasten on the worms, slap them with his hand, and spit upon them, and then fling the line into the water himself, gracefully bending forwards the whole of his body. Maria Dmitrievna had already that day spoken about him to Fedor Ivanovich, using the following phrase of Institute-French: "Il n'y a plus maintenant de ces gens comme ça autre fois."

He had just returned from a review, where Count Orloff told him 'he had received my card; that he was much pleased with the whole of my conduct; it had given general satisfaction; that I was a man comme il faut, and that my visit would be very useful. "Dr Loewe and I rode to the Prince Marshal to take leave, unless His Highness had any commands for me.

He put out his right foot with its botte sauvage, the round toe turned up, the low heel resting on the ground, and moved it slowly down and up as if it pressed an unseen rocker. "Comme ça, m'sieu'," he said. "It demands no effort, only the tranquillity of soul. One can smoke a little, one can sing, one can dream of the days to come. That is a pleasant inn to stay at the Sign of the Cradle.

Can you bear it?" "Never!" replied she; "neither shall Le Gardeur!" With a plunge of her horse she forced her way close to Le Gardeur, and, leaning over him, laid her hand upon his shoulder and exclaimed in a voice choking with passion, "Comment, Le Gardeur! vous souffrez qu'un Malva comme ca vous abime de coups, et vous portez l'epee!"

The lodge was so full that they stood without dancing, in a circle round the fire, and with a swaying motion of the body kept time to their music. During the day the young men, except the dancers, piled up dry logs in a level open space near, for a grand demonstration. At night, when it was fired, I folded my blanket over my shoulders, comme les sauvages, and went out.

Il me manquoit encore différentes choses pour être, en tout comme mes compagnons de voyage. Le namelouck m'en avoit averti, et mon hôte Laurent me mena lui-même au bazar pour en faire l'acquisition. C'étoient de petites coiffes de soie

Here all spik Angleesh, c'est a dire, ze personnel; ze sairvants do spik, plus ou moins, a little. I am happy to have you comme pensionnaires " "Madame," began Dr. Byram, but was cut short again. "Ah, yess, I know, ah! mon Dieu! you do not spik Frainch but you have come to lairne! My husband does spik Frainch wiss ze pensionnaires.

FOOTNOTES: [Footnote 54: Cruel comme

"Merci, prophetique fleurette, Corolle a l'oracle vainqueur, Car voila trois ans, paquerette, Que tu m'ouvris un petit coeur. "Et depuis trois hivers, ma belle, L'enfant aux grands yeux de velours Maintient son petit coeur fidele, Fidele comme aux premiers jours."

He was now to learn that a rich relation of hers, a merchant in Dublin, whom living she had despised, because he was "neither noble, nor comme il faut," dying had lately left her a considerable sum of money: so that after having been many years in straitened circumstances, she was now quite at her ease.