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"Heaven bless you, merry matron," Bardon answered, as soberly as he could, for indeed the sight of Mistress Satchell in her Sunday best and in her most coming-on humor was not of a nature to strengthen sobriety.

Who could tell what splendid event awaited its near fulfilment? In which a radical change of atmosphere is at once noticed; which shows how Miss Bentley repents of a too coming-on disposition, and lends an ear to the advantages of wealth.

Then we also followed one another out of the theatre, not because of the Saracens, nor because we had any vow, nor because we feared a repetition of the uproar, nor even because of the coming-on disposition of the Princess of Bizerta, but because one open window was not enough. My next experience in a marionette theatre was at Trapani.

No young, coming-on singer has a voice like it; in a few years, with proper training and hard work, I shall rank with Melba and Tetrazzini." Lady Strangways gave a little gasp. "You have not a very modest opinion of yourself, my dear," she could not refrain from saying, as she eyed her niece rather curiously. "Of myself I have a very modest opinion," returned Eleanor.

Then he perceived the immense admiration for the Scotchman that revealed itself in the women's faces; and when this exhibition was over, and a new dance proposed, and Donald had disappeared for a time to return in his natural garments, he had an unlimited choice of partners, every girl being in a coming-on disposition towards one who so thoroughly understood the poetry of motion as he.

I was shy of her because it's a curious fact she was my first experience of your sex: but she was not shy with me, though I believe she too was technically innocent. Even at the time I was conscious of something wanting some grace, some reserve, some economy of effect. She was of a coming-on disposition, very amorous and towardly." "Val would call that coarse." "Probably. Do you object?

Had I not known them, I could not have imagined them lovers of God or man, though they were of both. True courtesy, that is, courtesy born of a true heart, is a most lovely, and absolutely indispensable grace one that nobody but a Christian can thoroughly develop. God grant us a "coming-on disposition," as Shakespeare calls it. Who shall tell whose angel stands nearer to the face of the Father?

"The gentleman is cold: shall I light the stove?" Something vexed me I am not usually so impatient: it was the coming-on of serious illness I did not like to be noticed so closely; I believed that food would restore me, and I did not want to have my meal delayed, as I feared it might be by the lighting of the stove; and most of all I was feverishly annoyed by movement.

And huddled on the floor beside him was an idiot fondling a pipe, with a shred of pemmican at his lips. As if in irony of man's sacrifice, the All Hail and the Master of Things permitted the fool to fulfil his own prophecy, and die of a sudden sickness in the coming-on of summer. But he of God's Garrison that remained repented not of his deed. Such men have no repentance, neither of good nor evil.

They did not accompany each other to the doors of their chosen victims, feeling sure that together they could not approach the subject seriously; but they parted at the gate of each house, the one holding the horse while the other took the soap samples and interviewed any one who seemed of a coming-on disposition.