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"Oh, my old 'Come-outer," said I, as I took my last look at him for the night, "you have 'come-out' in your true colours at last, but this comes of 'fiddling and dancing, and serving the devil." After the family had retired to rest, the doctor and I lighted our cigars, and discoursed of the events of the evening. "Such men as Jehu Judd," he said, "do a monstrous deal of mischief in the country.

I will pledge myself for Molly that she shan't sit in a cherry-tree; and Molly shall see that I don't go upstairs in an unladylike way. I will go upstairs as meekly as if I were a come-out young lady, and had been to the Easter ball. So it was agreed that they should go. If Mr.

"You wanted to get here in time to be at the auction sale of that broke-down circus, and you'll miss a good thing if you go. The horses are in bad shape, owing to poor feeding and hard use, but there's big come-out in 'em. Nobody else here will have the ready money, and you'd have a clean walk-over." "What else have they got besides hosses?"

She was a very beautiful woman, with a large jointure, and she was obviously in love with him. The question of her conduct was not considered. It never entered Captain Pratt's head, any more than that of a ten-year-old child. He was aware that all the women of the upper classes were immoral, except newly come-out girls. That was an established fact.

But I ain't so sure now, I says, ''n' I ain't prepared to say what I 'll think from now on, 'n' then I walked off, leavin' him good 'n' meek, I c'n assure you; 'n' the come-out o' that little game is as my trade, which ranged fr'm ten to fifty cents a week 'n' always cash, is lost to him forever hereafter." Mrs. Lathrop was fairly choking with impatience.

Can't afford to come-out anything but a pis-ant. Then there's M'Gregor: he goes-in for big things an' little things, an' he goes-in to win, an' he wins; an' all he wins is Donal' M'Gregor's. Comes-out a bow constructor." "Do you think he'll shift Smythe from Mondunbarra, as he did Pratt from Boolka?" I asked. "Ain't he doin' it all the time?" replied Bob.

Cecil's gaieties as a come-out young lady were selected on the same judicious principles as her childish diversions; and if ever the Dunstone family favoured an entertainment not to their taste, it was after a debate on the need of condescension and good-nature.