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"Does she?" said Evadne thoughtfully. "But she is not really so at all. She is judicial though, and sincere, which gives one a sense of security in her presence." "But she is deadly dull," said Colonel Colquhoun. "Oh, no!" Evadne exclaimed, smiling. "You mistake her entirely. She made me laugh immoderately only yesterday." "I should like to see you laugh immoderately," said Colonel Colquhoun.

Nothing was known of the painter whose name was Colquhoun and nothing has been seen of his work since. The original painting was never sold, and after a time this promising new artist was, of course, forgotten. Presently Tcheriapin continued: "It is the figure of a slender girl ah! angels of grace! what a girl!" He kissed his hand rapturously.

It would have been a little awkward for both of us but for this happy suggestion; there were, however, points of interest enough about the house to fill up a longer interval even. "But I am forgetting!" she exclaimed, as I led her to the library. "I received this note from Colonel Colquhoun at the last moment.

Think of it only, Uncle Hugh, two whole years without seeing her. Didn't you love your mother too? And now to lose a single day or hour, after so long! Oh, do let me go, Maggie will take me if you can't." Mr. Colquhoun stood a moment in silence looking out of the window. His heart went with the boy, for Jeff had grown dear to him, with his frank impulsive ways and deep strong affections.

I ventured once, in my professional capacity, to say that she should have friends to stay with her occasionally, but she passed the suggestion off without either accepting or declining it, and then I spoke to Colonel Colquhoun. He, however, pooh-poohed the idea altogether. "She's all right," he said. "You don't know her. She always lives like that; it's her way."

Guthrie Brimston had begun to realize that when Evadne did speak it was to some purpose, and she watched now and awaited the event in evident trepidation. "She's not telling him! She never would dare to!" slipped from her unawares. "They are coming this way," Colonel Colquhoun observed significantly. "I shall go!" cried Mrs, Guthrie Brimston. "Come, Bobbie!"

Orton Beg answered slowly, "and I confess I was a little surprised when I heard from your mother that your fiance had been 'wild' in his youth, for I remembered some remarks you made last year about the kind of man you would object to marry, and it seemed to me from the description that Major Colquhoun was very much that kind of man." "Then why didn't you warn me?" Evadne exclaimed.

After a little time he remembered the letter in his pocket, addressed to him in Mr. Colquhoun's handwriting. He took it out and looked at it for a few minutes. Why should Mr. Colquhoun write to him unless he had something unpleasant to say? Perhaps he was only forwarding some letters. This quiet, grassy quadrangle was a good place in which to read letters, he thought.

"Thank Heaven, I see you as you are in time!" thought Evadne. Colonel Colquhoun was the next to speak. "I shall be able to give you rather a better position now," he said. "Yes," she replied, but she did not at all appreciate the advantage, because she had never known what it was to be in an inferior position. "May I speak to you with reference to our future relations?" he continued.

Colquhoun was of opinion that she would never acknowledge Brian as her son again, or consent to hold any personal intercourse with him." "It would be better if I were dead and out of all this uncertainty," said Brian, bitterly, when he had read the letter. Yet, something in it gave him a sort of stimulus.