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Her hair had been golden-brown; there was plenty of it still; it had kept so much of the gold that it was now like a tender mist through which the light flashes and smiles. Of all color-changes, this is the rarest. Miss Euphrasia smiled at her own look. "It is the home-face, I guess; Christie will know it." Smiling, she showed white edges of perfect teeth.

Such, indeed, seems to be Eimer's own meaning when he speaks of the "kaleidoscopic" character of the variation, or when he says that the variation of organized matter works in a definite way, just as inorganic matter crystallizes in definite directions. And it may be granted, perhaps, that the process is a merely physical and chemical one in the case of the color-changes of the skin.

When the wind slightly stirs the surface and these dancing ripples catch the sunbeams, one by one, in changeful and irregular measure, the eyes are dazzled with iridescences and living color-changes covering hundreds of acres, thousands of them, as exquisite, glorious and dazzling as revealed in the most perfect peacock's tail-feathers, or humming-bird's throat.