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An influenza cold was no doubt the immediate cause of her death. She was seventy-nine, but looked more like ninety. Sunday, April 5. We had not many at the morning service, and those who were there had such bad colds it was as much as we could do to get through the hymns. I had only two girls at the class instead of seven.

It is well that hay fever and colds do not obtain in the healthful vicinity of Cactus City, Texas, for the dry goods emporium of Navarro & Platt, situated there, is not to be sneezed at. Twenty thousand people in Cactus City scatter their silver coin with liberal hands for the things that their hearts desire. The bulk of this semiprecious metal goes to Navarro & Platt.

The ancient sacrifices to the various gods of disease and pestilence gods of fever, small-pox, dysentery, consumption, coughs, and colds were continued with Buddhist approval; but converts were bidden to consider such maleficent beings as Pretas, and to present them with only such food-offerings as are bestowed upon Pretas not for propitiation, but for the purpose of relieving ghostly pain.

My Dear Wordsworth, A letter from you is very grateful; I have not seen a Kendal postmark so long. We are pretty well, save colds and rheumatics, and a certain deadness to everything, which I think I may date from poor John's loss, and another accident or two at the same time, that has made me almost bury myself at Dalston, where yet I see more faces than I could wish.

Wilson and Barnes were on their way home from shearing out back in the great scrubs at Beenaway Shed. They had been rescued by Peter M`Laughlan from a wayside shanty where they had fallen, in spite of mutual oaths and past promises, sacred and profane, because they had got wringing wet in a storm on the track and caught colds, and had been tempted to take just one drink.

All this adds to the exertion required of the singer to make himself heard, an exertion and strain which eventually result in the symptoms that have been described, and which most singers believe due to colds and other troubles, whereas they are the result of the singer's own misuse of his voice. I have said that correct breathing is one of the fundamentals of correct voice-production.

In that way he has formerly cured colds, and in that way he will cure the cold from which he is suffering now. 'The Courier obeys in silence. Judging by appearances, he goes very reluctantly on this second errand. The Baron answers quietly, "Let us speak plainly to one another, my Lord. If you wish me to leave your house, you have only to say the word, and I go."

Marriages of such dissimilitudes are not unlike the conjunctions of different species of animals with each other, as of sheep and goats, of stags and mules, of turkeys and geese, of sparrows and the nobler kind of birds, yea, as of dogs and cats, which from their dissimilitudes do not consociate with each other, but in the human kind these dissimilitudes are indicated not by faces, but by habits of life; wherefore external colds are from this source.

"I told them chillen they shouldn't put thar foots in that ma'sh on the branch, gettin' wet and draggled and catchin' colds and chills," she explained to her husband. "But they begged so hard I told 'em to go on and have a good time. Maybe it won't hurt 'em. They're good-mindin' gals.

Bow your head in prayer; sing all the hymns, but not too loud and bold; ask after Mis' Strout's boy; tell everybody what awful colds we've got; if you see a good chance, take your pocket handkerchief and wipe the dust off the melodeon before the meetin' begins, and get twenty-five cents out of the sittin' room match-box in case there should be a collection." Rebecca willingly assented.