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Even the Mentorians, trusted by the Lhari even these were put into cold-sleep! Fear grabbed his insides. No human had ever survived the shift into warp-drive, the Lhari said. Briscoe, his father, Raynor Three they thought they had proved that the Lhari lied.

The others were given an inert sedative they believed to be the cold-sleep drug. How are you feeling, Bart?" "Fine but wondering what's going to happen." "You won't be hurt," Vorongil said, quickly. Then: "You don't believe me, do you?" "I don't, sir. David Briscoe did what I did, and he's dead. So are three other men." "Men do strange things from fear men and Lhari.

You can, of course, be given enough drug to keep you in cold-sleep until we reach the Procyon system." Bart wondered if the room steward had mentioned the passenger so bored with the trip that he didn't even visit the Observation Lounge. He felt tempted he was getting awfully tired of staring at the walls. On the other hand, he wanted very much to see the other star-systems.

It was a week before the Lhari ship went into warp-drive, and all that time Bart stayed in his cabin, not daring to go to the observation Lounge or dining hall. By the time they had been in space a week, he was so bored with his own company that even the Mentorian medic was a welcome sight when he came in to prepare him for cold-sleep.

Past them other stars, brighter stars, faraway stars he would never see, glimmered through the pale dust.... "Hello, Dave. Been space-sick all this time? Remember me? I met you about six weeks ago in the lounge down here just out from Earth." Oh, no! Bart turned, with a mental groan, to face Tommy. "I've been in cold-sleep," he said. He couldn't be rude again.

The Lhari ships traveled at normal speeds, like the regular planetary ships, inside each star-system. Then, at the borders of the vast gulf of emptiness between stars, they went into warp-drive; but first, every human on board was given the cold-sleep treatment that placed them in suspended animation, allowing their bodies to endure the warp-drive. He finished his drink.

"But don't you understand, Meta?" he exclaimed, "Humans can live through the warp-drive! No drugs, no cold-sleep Meta, I've done it dozens of times!" "But you're a Lhari!" It burst from her, uncontrollable. She stopped, looked at him in consternation. He smiled, bitterly. "No, Meta, they didn't do a thing to my internal organs, to my brain, to the tissues of my body.

Bart's legs were numb and his hands tingled when he sat up; but his body processes had been slowed so much by the cold-sleep that he didn't even feel hungry; the synthetic jelly he'd eaten just before going to sleep wasn't even digested yet. When the Mentorian left for another cabin, Bart looked around, and suddenly felt he would stifle if he stayed here another minute.

A woman ahead of Bart turned and said nervously, "We won't be put into cold-sleep right away, will we?" He reassured her, remembering his inbound trip five years ago. "No, no. The ship won't go into warp-drive until we're well past Pluto. It will be several days, at least."

That means the Lhari are prepared to admit, before our whole galaxy, that humans can survive warp-drive without cold-sleep. That's all David Briscoe was trying to prove, or your father either may they rest in peace. So, whatever happens, we've won." "If you two idealists will give me a minute for cold realities," Raynor One said, "there's this. Among other things. Bart's not yet of legal age.