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Newton, should occupy a place in every library, as a record and demonstration of the grand truth that man has in his living spirit a healing power which is proportioned to his spiritual development and affinity with heaven. Sold by Colby & Rich, Boston, $2. This is a brief and clear statement of the Oriental Theosophy.

Colby, scorned what they called the "singing and praying" temperance group and protested that temperance and religion were getting too strong a hold on the organization.

Anna Howard Shaw and Mrs. Catt as well as Alice Stone Blackwell spoke for the resolution. Only a few raised their voices against it, among them her sister Mary, Clara Colby, Mrs. Blake, and a young woman new to the ranks, Charlotte Perkins Stetson.

"Dat yaller gal jerked dat goose out'n my arms an' put hit back in de pan, an clapped de pan inter de oven. 'Wedder hit's got one laig, or two, says she, 'dat's de onliest one de w'ite folkses has got fo' dey's dinner." "An dat was true 'nuff true 'nuff," said Uncle Rufus. "But I begin tuh wondah wot Mars' Colby say 'bout dat los' laig?

It's all right. Al and I are just talkin' about nothin' in particular and all creation in general." Mr. Keeler entered with a paper in his hand. "Sorry to bother you, Cap'n Lote," he said, "but this bill of Colby and Sons for that last lot of hardware ain't accordin' to agreement. The prices on those butts ain't right, and neither's those half-inch screws. Better send it back to em, eh?"

That last thought, now jotted down in black and white, had effectually cleared her mind of its cobwebs. Colby came around next morning just as Mr. Merrick was entering the breakfast room, and the little man took the lawyer in to have a cup of coffee.

Only Jones remained composed, an amused smile curling the corners of his delicate mouth as he eyed the judge who was to decide his fate. On the side of the prosecution were looks of triumph. Le Drieux already regarded his case as won. Colby now played his trump card, which Maud Stanton's logic and energy had supplied the defense.

Stanhope's, sir," and he related what Dora had told him, and of what news Larry Colby had brought. "I am afraid you may get into trouble, Rover," said the captain seriously. "I will be very careful, sir. I am not afraid of Mr. Crabtree, should he turn up." "I don't believe you are afraid of anyone," said the master with a smile, for he admired Dick's courage. "Then you will let me go?"

He had practically decided against Jones in the matter of the pearls. Now he listened carefully to the arguments of the prosecution and cut Colby short when he raised objections to their sophistry. Finally Judge Wilton rose to state his decision.

Nearly 5,000 ounces of dust was what I cleaned up while I was there." "Goodness!" exclaimed Miss Colby, obligingly sympathetic. "It must be an awful dirty place, wherever it is." And then her eyes closed. The voice of the Man from Nome had a monotony in its very earnestness. Besides, what dull talk was this of brooms and sweeping and dust? She leaned her head back against the wall.