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"Well, but in Cocaigne," said Jurgen, "this eudaemonism was considered an indoor diversion." "And did you ever hear of a satyr going indoors?" "Why, save us from all hurt and harm! but what has that to do with it?" "Do not try to equivocate, you shining idiot! For now you see for yourself you are talking nonsense. And I repeat that such unheard-of nonsense irritates me," said the Satyr.

"O godmother, but do give rein to your better instincts and all that sort of thing, and speak with me more candidly! Come now, dear lady, there should be no secrets between you and me. In Leuke you were reported to be Cybele, the great Res Dea, the mistress of every tangible thing. In Cocaigne they spoke of you as AEsred. And at Cameliard Merlin called you Aderes, dark Mother of the Little Gods.

"Then in Cocaigne we are all wise: for that is our religion. But of what are you thinking, Duke of Logreus?" "I was thinking," says Jurgen, "that your eyes are unlike the eyes of any other woman that I have ever seen." Smilingly the dark woman asked him wherein they differed, and smilingly he said he did not know. They were looking at each other warily.

I who am a man born of woman, I in my station honor thee in honoring this desire which uses all of a man. Make open therefore the way of creation, encourage the flaming dust which is in our hearts, and aid us in that flame's perpetuation! For is not that thy law?" Anaitis answered: "There is no law in Cocaigne save, Do that which seems good to you."

So Jurgen was content enough. But still he was not actually happy, not even among the endless pleasures of Cocaigne. "And what is this thing that I desire?" he would ask himself, again and again. And still he did not know: he merely felt he was not getting justice: and a dim sense of this would trouble him even while he was playing with the Eumenides. Cantraps of the Master Philologist

His earlier relations with Dame Lisa had, of course, no legal standing in Cocaigne, where the Church is not Christian and the Law is, Do that which seems good to you. "Well, when in Rome," said Jurgen, "one must be romantic. But certainly this proves that nobody ever knows when he is being entrapped into respectability: and never did a fine young fellow marry a high queen with less premeditation."

I also believe that Madame Guenevere by this time agrees with me. And so, my part being done to serve my creator, I am off for Cocaigne." "And what is this Cocaigne?" "It is an island wherein I rule." "I did not know you were a queen, madame." "Why, indeed there are a many things unknown to you, Messire de Logreus, in a world where nobody gets any assuredness of knowledge about anything.

Now the Moon does not love derision, as I well know, for in part I serve the Moon." "Eh?" says Jurgen: and he began to reflect. So they came to a wall that was high and gray, and to the door which was in the wall. "You must knock two or three times," says Anaitis, "to get into Cocaigne." Jurgen observed the bronze knocker upon the door, and he grinned in order to hide his embarrassment.

John the Baptist: and thereafter Jurgen abode in Cocaigne, and complied with the customs of that country. In the palace of Queen Anaitis, all manner of pastimes were practised without any cessation. Jurgen, who considered himself to be somewhat of an authority upon such contrivances, was soon astounded by his own innocence.

Candidly, there were ill things in store for you, Prince Jurgen, because your language was misunderstood. But that which you now say puts quite a different complexion upon matters." Jurgen laughed, not understanding the mystery, but confident he could always say whatever was required of him. "Now let us see a little more of Cocaigne!" cries Jurgen.