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Each has its huge white Wady, striping the country in alternation with dark-brown divides, and trending coastwards in the usual network.

The drought necessitated the removal of some of his sheep, for which he had rented a place eighty miles coastwards. There he left them under the charge of a man, but he repaired thither frequently to inspect them. Sometimes he was away from home a fortnight at a stretch. Peter would be away at work all day, and the children took advantage of my defenceless position. Jimmy was the ringleader.

Governor Sir Samuel Rowe, with his usual good fortune, landed at Elmina on March 9, exactly the right time. The attempt to intimidate had ignobly failed, and had recoiled upon the attempter. King Mensah, in order to remove all suspicions of intending a campaign, had resolved to send coastwards the most important and ceremonious mission of the age. It was to conclude a kind of Paix des Dames.

He was crying, too, in English that some day we would return the road we had come." "And you returned?" The seaman shook his head. "Not with earthly feet. Two of us they slew outright, and two more died on the way coastwards. For long I was between death and life, and knew little till I woke in the Almirante's cell at Panama.... The rest you have heard.

It was the farm-bailiff's speckled hat. John Broom hesitated the thick stick became visible. Then a cloud rolled between them, and the child turned, and ran, and ran, and ran coastwards, into the sea mist. John Broom was footsore when he reached the coast, but that keen, life-giving smell had drawn him on and held him up.

Duncan lay the boat to for a couple of hours, till the mist was tinged with gold and the ball of the sun showed red on his starboard quarter. The mist sank, the brown sails of a smack thrust upwards through it; coastwards it shifted and thinned and thickened, as though cunningly to excite expectation as to what it hid. Again Weeks called out "See anything?"

Then I sent by this man urgent messages to the thane that they should fly coastwards, crossing the river Waveney, perhaps, so as not to fall into the hands of the host at the first starting, for Ingvar's horsemen would be everywhere south of this and Thetford.

He said at length, 'I fear 'tis Edmond Willowes. 'Who's he? 'By G that's bad mighty bad! said Lord Uplandtowers, throwing himself back in the chaise in frigid despair. They despatched emissaries in all directions; one by the Melchester Road, another by Shottsford-Forum, another coastwards.

I would gladly draw a veil over our scandalous progress through peaceable Dornum, of the terrors I experienced when he introduced me as his friend, and as his English friend, and of the abasement I felt, too, as, linked arm in arm, we trod the three miles of road coastwards.

John could not stay in the house with his memories of Uncle Matthew, and so he went for walks along the shores of the Lough, to Cubbinferry and Kirklea or turning coastwards, towards Millreagh and Holmesport; but there was no comfort to be found in these walks. He returned from them, tired in body, but unrested in mind.