United States or New Zealand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The temporary place of sitting at Quebec seemed to me perfectly adapted for the purposes of hearing, seeing, and speaking. It is a spacious apartment, with deep galleries, which hold about five hundred, round it, which were to Quebec what the Opera and the club-houses are to London.

The club-houses and the tailors have done a good deal towards this, and so has whiggism and dissent; for they have destroyed distinctions. "But this is too deep for me. Ask Minister, he will tell you the cause; I only tell you the fact. "Dinin' out here, is both heavy work, and light feedin'. It's monstrous stupid.

What was that our papa told us of the young gentleman at court yesterday? Sir John Armytage " "Sir John Armytage? I used to know him when I frequented White's and the club-houses a fine, noble young gentleman, of a great estate in the North." "And engaged to be married to a famous beauty, too Miss Howe, my Lord Howe's sister but that, I suppose, is not an obstacle to gentlemen?"

The club-houses and the best life of the town are near at hand. Addison, before his marriage, used to live in St. James's Place, and the house where Mr. Rogers recently died is up the court, not that this latter residence excites much interest in my mind.

Enough has already been written of the enthusiasm with which the Americans took up the game itself, of the social prestige which it at once obtained, of the colossal sums of money that have been lavished on the making of courses, of the sumptuousness of the club-houses that have sprung up all over the land.

"All we'd have to do would be to paint these wooden walls a nice cheerful light color, change one room into a smoker, another into a billiard-room, and a third into a grill, add some gun-racks and leather wing-chairs, and we'd be right up to the minute in club-houses!"

How much finer, simpler, nobler are the several employments I have sketched out for these gentlemen than their present nightly orgies at the horrid Club. Chubb and burning down Club-houses in St. James's, there is ONE Snob at who will not think the worse of you. The only men who, as I opine, ought to be allowed the use of Clubs, are married men without a profession.

Henceforth on the streets, in the wards and outlying sections, and even, on occasion, in the business heart, behold the marching clubs those sinister, ephemeral organizations which on demand of the mayor had cropped out into existence great companies of the unheralded, the dull, the undistinguished clerks, working-men, small business men, and minor scions of religion or morality; all tramping to and fro of an evening, after working-hours, assembling in cheap halls and party club-houses, and drilling themselves to what end?

The hotels, to be sure, were full of travelers, and the club-houses had more habitues than usual, and were more needed by the members whose families had gone into the country. Notwithstanding the silence and vacation aspect of up-town, the public conveyances were still thronged, and a census would have shown no such diminution of population as seemed.

There is a close likeness between the doctor's high-sounding list of remote symptoms, which he is treating as primary diseases, and the hue and outcry about the decadence of the home spirit, the prevalence of excessive and improper amusements, club-houses, billiard-rooms, theatres, and so forth, which are "the banes of homes." The trouble is in the homes.