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Her brightness seemed infectious. Paul leaned upon his elbow, and Hazel was actually interested in Clip's new costume. "Yes," she went on. "You see, Mrs. Salvey has been called to account for Wren did you ever hear of anything so ridiculous? Those lawyer relatives of hers pretend to believe that Wren is being neglected because we have taken her away from the supposed care of that absurd doctor.

"Look; you gotta press this little gismo, here, to let the action shut when there's no clip in, or when the clip's empty. When you got a loaded clip in, you just pull back on this and let go " Frank Cardon looked at his watch, and saw that it was 1345, as it had been ten seconds before, when he had last looked.

I had a fine time trying to keep Clip's name out of the paper, the day they had the hearing about Wren. You see, I the great first person ran into the courtroom just as the judge was dismissing the absurd case set up against Mrs. Salvey. Of course, that was nothing more or less than a trick to get information for the other side. Well, Mr.

But Jack knew more of the case than he had confided to her, and he instantly agreed with Dr. Bennet. "Run along, sis, " he advised, with the jollity that makes a brave boy ever a girl's hero. "I'll be after you with the others, and it will be no end of fun. Clip's going, and I'll try to have Paul and Hazel join if Paul is fit.

The opening of the door cut short Clip's nonsense. The woman wheeled a child's invalid chair into the room. Sitting in this chair the girls beheld a child that sort of child which heaven in making a cripple of seems to hold some special claim on. The lines of some amateur poet flashed across the mind of Cora: "Does heaven in sending such as these, From Nature hold a claim?

Why didn't you ask to whom it did belong?" "I really never thought a word about it until Maud said just now it must be Clip's." "But why did you pick it up without asking?" insisted Cora, her voice somewhat indignant. "It was dropped on the road.

Of course she knew that it was Rob Roland who had ordered the table and Sid Wilcox who had returned the book. As the Whirlwind passed the little hotel on the road to Chelton Cora actually brushed against Rob Roland's car and she had the table hidden amid the flowers in the Whirlwind! In Clip's hands was grasped the promise book Wren should have both. Poor, afflicted little Wren!

"Jack, how can you use slang in the presence of ladies?" and she assumed the characteristic "tough" walk, which had always been one of Clip's most laughable capers. "Loidies!" echoed Jack, tilting his cap and striking an attitude appropriate to that assumed by Cecilia. He slipped his arm within hers, and the pair "strutted off," in the fashion identified with the burlesque stage.

Daisy had not told of her attractive cousin until the party were within very sight of him. "Me first!" shouted Belle. "I have been a perfect angel ever since we left Chelton; didn't even speak to the nice man with the short thumb Clip's friend." At that moment an auto dashed by. Tillie seized Cora's arm. "That's the man who talked about Hastings!" she exclaimed.

One clip's plenty for you, and it's all we can afford." "Only this once," pleaded the poor old woman. "I've got a headache." "Then another cup of tea would only make it worse. If you've got through your supper, go back to your seat and give more room for the rest." While Mrs.