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"Jack, how can you use slang in the presence of ladies?" and she assumed the characteristic "tough" walk, which had always been one of Clip's most laughable capers. "Loidies!" echoed Jack, tilting his cap and striking an attitude appropriate to that assumed by Cecilia. He slipped his arm within hers, and the pair "strutted off," in the fashion identified with the burlesque stage.

He started as one who sees snakes in the grass. "What the " he gasped. Spike was looking at his treasure-trove with an air of affectionate proprietorship. "Where on earth did you get those?" asked Jimmy. "Out of one of de rooms. Dey belonged to one of de loidies. It was de easiest old t'ing ever, Mr. Chames. I went in when dere was nobody about, and dere dey were on de toible.

"All you need, to be a lady, or a gentleman is, to be wealthy? Is that it?" asked the old frontiersman laughing. "Yes, sor," said the child solemnly, "Faather wull shure be a gen'leman." "Do you like living here?" asked Eleanor. "No, mam, I don't think much of it! In Smelter City, there wuz curcuses; an' elephants on all the bills of fare; an' loidies dancin' on th'r heads!

"Say, dat duck ain't on de level," the grievance for which Simpkins had been probing coming to the surface. "Holds out on what he collects? Steals?" "Sure t'ing de loidies," and the boy lowered his voice; "he's dead stuck on Mrs. "Oh! nonsense," commented Simpkins, an invitation to continue in his voice. "She's a married woman."

"Where on earth did you get those?" asked Jimmy. "Out of one of de rooms. Dey belonged to one of de loidies. It was de easiest old t'ing ever, boss. I just went in when dere was nobody around, an' dere dey was on de toible. I never butted into anyt'in' so soft." "Spike!" "Yes, boss?" "Do you remember the room you took them from?" "Sure. It was de foist on de "