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MR. CARR VIPONT. "We want one; the House wants a very distinguished clergyman: we have none at this moment, not a bishop, not even a dean! all mere parish parsons, and among them not one we could push. Very odd, with more than forty livings too. But the Viponts seldom take to the Church kindly: George must be pushed. This demonstration will strike terror in Downing Street, eh!

Worden, on that occasion, "by thus lessening its rites in vulgar eyes. The first thing is to teach men to respect holy things, my dear sir; and a clergyman in his gown and surplice, commands threefold the respect of one without them. I consider it, therefore, a sacred duty to uphold the dignity of my office on all occasions."

All the time he had been talking the wind had steadily increased, and the uproar of the embracing sea had been growing louder. The windows rattled like musketry, the red curtains shook as if in fear. Now there came a knock at the door. "Come in," said the clergyman. The maid appeared. "Do you want anything more to-night, sir?" "No, thank you, Kate. Good-night." "Good-night, sir." The door shut.

"Where has this mad fellow stolen that sacramental vessel?" exclaimed the Episcopal clergyman. This question drew the notice of the guests to the silver cup, which was recognized as appertaining to the communion plate of the Old South Church; and, for aught that could be known, it was brimming over with the consecrated wine. "Perhaps it is poisoned," half whispered the Governor's secretary.

"When the proofs of the marriage, however, were about to be brought against him, the Protestant clergyman, who, on discovering his iniquity, was too honest to conceal it, and who felt bitterly the fraud that had been practised on him, was found murdered, as I have said, because he was now the only evidence left against Hamilton's crime.

"Once on a time, then," said my mother, kissing me between the eyes, "once on a time, my love, there was a certain clergyman in Cumberland who had two sons; he had but a small living, and the boys were to make their own way in the world. The elder of these sons was your Uncle Roland; the younger was your father.

I did so; and while I was in this position a clergyman came in and asked me if I was ill. "No," I said, "I am only resting for a short time." "Very well," he said, "rest on; but listen to me. The Bishop has sent me here to see and hear you, and this is my report to his lordship." Opening out a paper he held in his hand, he read: "St.

'The moment you disagree with them they become your enemies at once, and would straightway kill you if they had the power. He probably did not know how very disagreeable he had made himself to the poor clergyman. But now matters were on a much better footing, and all the parish rejoiced. The new squire was seen in his pew every Sunday morning, and often entertained the parson at the house.

He came to Delft; obtained a hearing of Millers, the clergyman and intimate friend of Orange, showed him the Mansfeld seals, and was, somewhat against his will, sent to France, to exhibit them to Marechal Biron, who, it was thought, was soon to be appointed governor of Cambray.

I had not heard all his answer, but he had spoken in a tone of scorn. I did not want to think about him. There was no whither to turn myself for help. And the clergyman, who had been more than kind to me, who had seemed to help me with words and counsel out of heaven, he was cut off from my succor, and I stood alone I, who was so dependent, so naturally timid, and so easily mistaken.