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To tell you the truth, we are to some extent interested with them. Now, don't show this sample to anyone else, but go straight to Clarm & Ging, Rookery building, Chicago. Anybody can tell you where it is. Here's the card.

There will be enough for us all, but no matter how little, you and Alf shall share it. I am just beginning fully to realize it but I know that we are rich. It is necessary for me to get back at once," I added. "I'll have to buy some land from Parker, but I told Clarm & Ging that I was going to stop for a day in Kentucky. I didn't want them to know that I intended to buy more land.

Clarm was walking about in the yard, and with an ease and politeness which I had not expected having permitted Ging to influence my preconception of his partner's character he shook hands with me and invited me into the house. The sample of mica was closely inspected, numerous questions were asked, and after a time Mr. Clarm said that it would be well for Mr. Ging to go home with me.

But no one laughed at me, no one pointed me out, and I really felt quite pleased with myself a school-teacher, a lawyer's assistant, expected by a capitalist! I went under a marble arch-way, and asked a man if he knew Clarm & Ging, and he pointed to an elevator I knew what it was and shouted a number. I got in and was shot to the eighth floor. I knocked at a door, but no one opened it.

Clarm is out of town and will not be back until Monday has a summer home in St. Jo, Mich., and is over there. It's just across the lake. Suppose we go over there to-morrow morning. Boat leaves at nine. Be a pleasant trip. All right." He resumed his work as if my acceptance of his proposition was a foreshadowed necessity. "How did you happen to find it?" he asked, without looking up from his work.