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"You'll spy upon a membeh of my family, will you, seh!" he stormed. "Out with you, bag and baggage, befo' I lose my tempeh and forget what is due to this young lady you have insulted, seh, with your infamous proposals! Faveh me instantly, while you have a leg to run with! Go!" Jastrow disappeared; and when the door closed behind him Virginia faced her irate clan-chief bravely.

"I believe your acceptance of such a risk, and your willingness to endure such painful training, have earned that opportunity; win your duel, and Clan Levva will send a delegation to investigate the desirability of acknowledging the citizenship you say is ours by right." Medart let his relief show. "That's all I ask, Clan-chief."

The warrior Leigh had lived at the proper time, and Wylie had been clan-chief then. Those were indicators that it was, but he'd like more. "May I see your saber?" he asked, using High War Speech. "Yes," Medart said in the same language, handing it over. "I've added the improved power pack, but otherwise it's the same one I was given."

The two went alone, without the escort that normally accompanied a clan-chief anywhere outside his clan's territory.

"What to do about your situation cannot be decided by a single clan-chief, even the chief of the First Clan. But I doubt that you or I will be left in suspense long, once the Miklos sees that tape and has called the conference I requested. It should be an hour, perhaps a little less, and in the meantime I will have you made as comfortable as your status permits."

"If you're trying to make me feel guilty," Ariel said, "you're too late. As soon as I saw your broadcast of his duel and the mercy Clan-chief Ryan gave him, I contacted His Majesty; I'll be delivering Ranger Medart's belongings and your tape personally to his Emperor and I will remain in Alpha Prime to take his place.

Dana hesitated, but she had spent so long trying to be Sandeman in all but body that her response was more by reflex than by thought. "I claim none, Alanna," she said formally. "Custom says none exist." "True." Killian's expression became remote, almost frightening. "Very well, I accept the responsibility of acting for the clan-chief you do not have.

That will bring an immediate truce, which will last until after the duel. And the duel cannot be fought until Clan Vader has finished discharging its life-debt, now that we've begun." "How do I do that?" "Since you're leaving the choice of opponent to us, you inform a Warleader or clan-chief. You've already told me, and I'm willing to pass it along as a formal challenge if you want me to."

Then we gave them star-burial, the best we could do in space." "And how did you get the saber?" "That was later, on Mjolnir, for the conference that brought the Sandeman worlds into the Empire. I got into a TreasureTunnels game that included Clan-chief Wylie of Vader, along with a few others, Sandeman and Imperial.

Deception was difficult for Sandemans, but introducing himself as Warleader rather than clan-chief was failure to reveal he was both rather than an active lie, so he'd been able to manage it. Lying was for Shapers and their kin. This Prince James was obviously related to the Shapers, from his size and coloring, but Ryan found himself wanting to believe what James had told him.