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As a matter of fact, a fairly high vacuum can be maintained with the air pump closed down, and only the indirect pumping action of the falling water operating to rarify the contents of the condenser body. It is customary to place the condenser forty or more feet above the circulating-water pump, the latter usually being a few feet below the turbine. Features Demanding Attention

Starting of condenser circulating-water pumps, and continuous circulation of circulating water through the tubes of condenser. Starting of pump delivering condensed steam from the condenser hot-well to weighing tanks. Starting of air pump, vacuum being raised as high as possible within condenser.

In the condenser body. In the circulating-water inlet pipe close to the condenser. In the circulating-water outlet pipe close to the condenser. In the air-pump suction pipe close to the condenser. In the air-pump suction pipe close to the air pump.

The tester will, however, devote his attention to a practical survey of the condenser and its auxiliaries, before running operations commence. A preliminary vacuum test ought to be conducted upon the condenser body, and the exhaust piping between the condenser and turbine. To accomplish this the circulating-water pipe D can be filled with water to the condenser level.