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An hour later the sleigh was speeding over the hard snow. Chapdelaine drowsed, and the reins were slipping from his open hands. Rousing himself and lifting his head, he sang again in full-voiced fervour the hymn he was singing as they left the village: ... Adorons-le dans le ciel. Adorons-le sur l'autel ...

The Venosta ran on in praise of Paris and the Parisians; of Louvier and his soiree and the pistachio ice; of the Americans, and a certain creme de maraschino which she hoped the Signor Inglese had not failed to taste, the creme de maraschino led her thoughts back to Italy. Then she grew mournful. How she missed the native beau ciel!

It's the portrait of the last Marquise the one who was guillotined, poor soul, with her husband, in let me see in 1793!" "What an exquisite creature! Look, Josephine, did you ever see anything so beautiful?" "Beautiful!" repeated the grisette, with a sidelong glance at one of the mirrors. "Beautiful, with such a coiffure and such a bodice! Ciel! how tastes differ!" "But her face, Josephine!"

Mère de Ciél! how tired and weary they all look! It surely cannot be a march in retreat; and, now that I think of it, they have no baggage, nor any wagons with them." "That was a bugle call, Minette! Did you not hear it?" "Yes, it's a halt for a few minutes. Poor fellows! they are sadly exhausted; they cannot even reach the side of the way, but are lying down on the very road.

"Come, Gainor," she cried, seeing us; "help me to shell my peas. Thou shalt have some. They are come in a ship from the Bermudas. What a pretty pale green the pods are! I should like an apron of that colour." "I have the very thing, dear. Shall it be the minuet pattern, or plain?" "Oh, plain. Am I not a Friend? Une Amie? Ciel! but it is droll in French.

Cloud elegant little ladies of the demi-monde sipped rose-tinted ices and said for a thousand times; "Ciel, comme il fait chaud!" and slapped the hands of beaky-nosed young men with white slips beneath their waistcoats and shiny boots and other symbols of a high civilization.

Je prendrai mon bâton et sur la grande route J'irai et je dirai aux ânes, mes amis: Je suis Francois Jammes et je vais au Paradis, Car il n'y a pas d'enfer au pays du Bon Dieu. Je leur dirai: Venez, doux amis du ciel bleu, Pauvres bêtes chéries qui d'un brusque mouvement d'oreilles, Chassez les mouches plates, les coups et les abeilles.... That brought tranquillity back to me.

In fact, did he know of my presence here with M. de Mancini, he would probably carry out his threat to hang me." "Ciel!" cried St. Auban, "you are mad, if that be so. France is divided into two parties, cardinalists and anti-cardinalists. You, sir, without belonging to either, stand alone, an enemy to both. Your attitude is preposterous!" "Nay, sir, not alone. There is Andrea de Mancini.

'After dejjunying, took a phyacre and rode to the palace, to see the king and royal family leave for Nully. "Pour ou?" "Pour Neuilly, mademoiselle," Eve quietly answered. " For Nully. His majesty went on horseback, preceding his illustrious family and all the rest of the noble party, dressed in a red coat, laced with white on the seams, wearing blue breeches and a cocked hat." "Ciel!"

The germ of the home ideal was there, at least, but it was hard work for the arras and the "ciel" to keep out the cold and cover the bare walls.