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The nose was not too highly arched any more than it was pinched and meager indeed, a triumph in noses, since not too strong, nor yet indicating a physique weak and ill nourished. Vital, self-confident, a trifle foreign, certainly distinguished, at first there might have seemed a trace of defiance in the carriage, even in the glance of Josephine St. Auban.

They all stood in silence, looking at her, at this apparition of a woman a young and beautiful woman here at Tallwoods, where none had known of any woman these many years. Clayton himself made no comment. The Honorable William Jones smiled broadly. Dunwody removed his hat. "Gentlemen," said he, "this is the Countess St. Auban, who has come to see these parts of our country.

Auban hesitated for an instant, but guessed some errand here worth knowing. Having herself entered the inner room, with grace she signified that the elderly gentleman should first be placed; then, seating herself upon a divan somewhat nearer to the door and hence in shadow, she waited for him to go forward with the business which had brought him hither.

It is impossible for us to continue an acquaintance formed thus irregularly." "On the contrary, my dear!" The ring in his voice terrified her, but his terms angered her yet more. "I do not in the least understand you, sir! I am accustomed to do quite as I like. And you may address me as the Countess St. Auban." "Why should we talk of this?" he retorted. "Why talk to me of countesses?

Auban, despite the profusion of fair locks that fell upon his shoulders, concealing I rightly guessed his natural hair, which was as black as my own. It was a cunning addition to his disguise, and one well calculated to lead people on to the wrong scent hereafter. Presently, as I watched them, St.

From inquiries that Michelot had made on the road, we learned that no troop such as that which rode with St. Auban had lately passed that way, so that 't was clear we were in front of them. But scarce had we finished supper in the little room which I had hired at the Gros Paon, when, from below, a stamping of hoofs, the jangle of arms, and the shouts of many men told me that we were overtaken.

Then bracing myself for the ordeal, through which I looked to what scant information I possessed and my own mother wit, to bear me successfully, I strode across to admit my visitor. Muffling my voice, as I had heard St. Auban do at the inn, by drawing my nether lip over my teeth

Auban and his men were housed. I gained that room of mine without mishap, and my first action was to deal summarily with a fat and well-roasted capon which the landlord set before me for an empty stomach is a poor comrade in a desperate situation. That meal, washed down with the best part of a bottle of red Anjou, did much to restore me alike in body and in mind.

As the ladies of whose presence St. Auban had been unaware appeared before us, I shot a glance at the Marquis, and, from the start he gave upon beholding them, I saw that things were as I had suspected. Before they could reply to Andrea, St.

Ah! how fortune has run against me to-day. And so, here it is, I write her name for you once more this time her real name, so far as any in America know it thus, Josephine, Countess St. Auban, of France, of Hungary, of America, abolitionist, visionary, firebrand.