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The clergyman met them at the little wicket-gate of the churchyard, having, by some reasoning, which we hope was satisfactory to himself, overcome a resolution which he at first formed, that he would not read the burial service over an unrepentant sinner. But he did read it, having mentioned his scruples to none but one confidential clerical friend in the same diocese.

When she came to the road between the churchyard and the cemetery, she felt as if she could go no further. She was bowed with anguish; to such an extent did she suffer, that she leaned on the low parapet of the cemetery for support. The ever-increasing colony of the dead was spread before her eyes. She examined its characteristics with an immense but dread curiosity.

But, blime me, when Tom come and found out where she 'ad changed to, if she 'adn't gone and shuffled off, and all 'e 'ad for 'is pains was the sight of a mound in the churchyard." "Yes; she's buried," said John Steele thoughtfully, "and all she might have told about the woman who was murdered, is buried with her." "But she did tell, sir; at the time," quickly, "of the trial." "True."

Mísha declared that he would not enter the house, defiled as it was by the presence of a scoundrel; that he would allow no one to throw him out; but that he was on his way to the churchyard to salute the dust of his ancestors. This he did. At the churchyard he was joined by an old house-serf, who had formerly been his man-nurse.

What is your opinion of Bethnal Green? Mortimer assented to Bethnal Green, and they turned eastward. 'Now, when we come to St Paul's churchyard, pursued Eugene, 'we'll loiter artfully, and I'll show you the schoolmaster. But, they both saw him, before they got there; alone, and stealing after them in the shadow of the houses, on the opposite side of the way.

On the east side of the churchyard a brook called the Pansayl falls into the Tweed, and there was this prophecy as to their union: "When Tweed and Pansayl join at Merlin's grave, Scotland and England shall one monarch have."

Indeed, one of my earliest recollections is of being conducted home in state by a policeman, who had found me aimlessly strolling about a churchyard, round which I had been accompanying the nurse and the perambulator, until I missed them both, a short time before.

Sophy Chantrey had strayed absently down to the churchyard in one of those fits of restlessness and nervous despondency which made it impossible to her to remain in the overcrowded rooms of Bolton Villa or in the trim flower-garden surrounding it.

John Jacks; only the genial old man had disregarded the scandal shadowing the Otway name. On the morrow, it was made known that the deceased Member of Parliament would be buried in Yorkshire, in the village churchyard which was on his own estate. And Otway felt glad of this; the sombre and crowded hideousness of a London cemetery was no place of rest for John Jacks.

Wherever one wanders one meets with these charming dwellings, especially in West Street and Pump Street; the oldest house in Rye being at the corner of the churchyard. The Mermaid Inn is delightful both outside and inside, with its low panelled rooms, immense fire-places and dog-grates.