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It might upset their plans, if I was to suggest their givin' up where they're at, an' havin' you. Then there's the Grays, an' the Granvilles, an' the Thornes. Addin' 'em all together for childern, they'd come to about half a child a pair. Talk about your race suicide! They say they 'can't afford to have childern. You can take it from me, it's the poor people are rich nowadays.

"They was poundin' the bells, an shootin' cannons everywhere," he declared. "Men, women and childern crowded 'round us an' split their lungs yellin'. They's a streak o' sore throats all the way from Alexandry to here." Solomon and his young friend met John Adams on the street.

He's got a little one that stands up on it's hind legs in his room, an' he c'n play it with both hands 'thout lookin' on. Yes, sir, we have reg'lar concerts at my house ev'ry Sunday night, admission free, an' childern half price, an'," said David, "you'd ought to hear him an' Polly sing, an' he, he, he! you'd ought to see her singin' tickleder 'n a little dog with a nosegay tied to his tail."

Didn't you never see nobody wash afore?" And she proceeds with her rubbing. "The house will be tumbling on you in ten minutes!" "You think so? Now I don't, Mr. Frisbie! This 'ere house a'n't gwine to tumble down this mornin', I know. The Lord 'll look out for that, I guess. Look o' these 'ere childern! look o' me! look o' my ole father there, more'n a hunderd year ole!

"I must go now," announced Peletiah, getting out of his chair and beginning to stretch slowly. "Well, now tell your ma I thank her for comin', and for them letters from them precious childern. An' see here." Grandma leaned over and pulled out the under drawer of the little stand.

Sennacherib, "you did a wise thing when you made up your mind to be a single woman. The men's little more than a worrit the best of 'em and even the childern, as is counted upon for a blessin', brings trouble oftener nor j'y." The visitor pinched her lips together and nodded, as if to say there was no disputing this glaring statement.

Samuel Keais, who ever after shows a marked improvement in his own methods. On this occasion it was Mr. William Allen, of Salisbury, who engaged "dilligently to attend ye school for ye present yeare, and tech all childern yt can read in thaire psallters and upward." From such humble beginnings were evolved some of the best public high schools at present in New England.

It's hard to think father and mother leave their souls fightin' in their childern, cos th' love was wantin' to make them one here." Something glittered along the street as he spoke: the silver mountings of a low-hung phaeton drawn by a pair of Mexican ponies. One or two gentlemen on horseback were alongside, attendant on a lady within, Miss Herne.

Now I shall hear about that blessed little creeter and all the rest of them childern." "Good-afternoon." The parson's wife went swiftly up the flag-bordered path between the lilac bushes. "It's a beautiful day, Mrs. Bascom." "Hey?" Grandma's shaking hand went up to her cap-border, so Mrs. Henderson had to say it over, that it was a beautiful day, as loud as she could.

"Not havin' earned his board, an' talks smooth to us abaout ripplin' brooks an' wavin' grass, an' his high-toned, pure-souled horsehood, which don't hender him sheddin' women an' childern, an' fallin' over the dash onter men. You heard his talk, an' you thought it mighty fine, some o' you." Tuck looked guilty here, but she did not say anything. "Bit by bit he goes on ez you have heard."