United States or Norfolk Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We long remembered him as one of the peculiar features of Richmond. He had one unvarying formula for proclaiming his wares. It ran in this wise: "Great Nooze in de papahs! "Great Nooze from Orange Coaht House, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Alexandry, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Washington City! "Great Nooze from Chattanoogy, Tennessee! "Great Nooze from Chahlston, Sou' Cahlina!

"Why bless you!" remarked the driver, "I've hardly got fairly started yet, and here we are at the 'Alexandry. I could tell you many another story as strange as these and true, mind ye, true as Gospel.

We long remembered him as one of the peculiar features of Richmond. He had one unvarying formula for proclaiming his wares. It ran in this wise: "Great Nooze in de papahs! "Great Nooze from Orange Coaht House, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Alexandry, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Washington City! "Great Nooze from Chattanoogy, Tennessee! "Great Nooze from Chahlston, Sou' Cahlina!

"They was poundin' the bells, an shootin' cannons everywhere," he declared. "Men, women and childern crowded 'round us an' split their lungs yellin'. They's a streak o' sore throats all the way from Alexandry to here." Solomon and his young friend met John Adams on the street.

The trucks grated harshly, the whirring groan of the air-brakes ran under him like a great sigh, and suddenly he was looking down into the face of a pop-eyed man who was clanging a bell, with all the strength of his right arm, under his window, and who, with this labour, was emitting a husky din of "Supper supper 'ot an' ready at the Royal" in his vain effort to drown the competition of a still more raucous voice that was bellowing: "'Ot steaks an' liver'n onions at the Queen Alexandry!"

Two or three of the bells were still clanging, but with abated enthusiasm; from the dimly lighted platform, grayish-white in the ghostly flicker of the oil lamps, the crowd of hungry passengers was ebbing swiftly in its quest of food and drink; a last half-hearted bawling of the virtue to be found in the "hot steak an' liver'n onions at the Royal Alexandry" gave way to a comforting silence a silence broken only by a growing clatter of dishes, the subdued wheezing of the engines, and the raucous voice of a train-man telling the baggage-man that the hump between his shoulders was not a head but a knot kindly tied there by his Creator to keep him from unravelling.

I hearn of your marriage to the Printcis Alexandry, & ment ter writ you a congratoolatory letter at the time, but I've bin bildin a barn this summer, & hain't had no time to write letters to folks. Excoose me. Numeris changes has tooken place since we met in the body politic. The body politic, in fack, is sick. I sometimes think it has got biles, friend Wales.