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Sue, kiem; Mon, g'cem, ka-teim; Hüei, chiem; Stieng, chum; Bahnar, Annam, chim; Xong, chiem; Palaung and Wa, hsim, and Khasi sim are clearly the same. Fowl. Hüei, kat, yar; Suk, yer; Bahnar, ir;. Stieng iêr; Khmu, yer; Lemet, er; Palaung, her, and Khasi, siar, abbreviated into 'iar, are probably the same. Fish.

Both the ale and the feather beds were at our service at Reichenhall, and we did not neglect them. In the morning our road lay by sombre, romantic Traunstein, and what was better still, by the glistening waters of the lake of Chiem, whose broad surface was so unruffled, that the wide expanse seemed to lie in a hollow, and a delicious coolness whispered rather than blew across its tranquil waves.

On the other side the mountains of Salzburg lifted their ridgy backs from the plains of Bavaria and the Chiem lake lay spread out in the blue distance. A line of mist far to the north betrayed the path of the Danube, and beyond it we could barely trace the outline of the Bohemian mountains. With a glass the spires of Munich, one hundred and twenty miles distant, can be seen.

Driving briskly along we had various surmises as to where we should probably meet our traveling companions, not doubting that, as we hoped to reach the Lake of Chiem the same day, We should come across them the day following on one of its pretty islands.

Braun, impatient to leave Munich, had already started the preceding day, promising to wait for me on the Salzburg road at the first spot which pleased him enough for a halt. That I might not keep him waiting, I begged a friend to drive me a good day's journey, thinking to overtake Braun the first day on the pleasant banks of the Lake of Chiem.