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In Chelton there were not many strangers and suppose some urchins did enter, Cora said, it would be a pity to deny them a glimpse of the pretty sight. A tall Antonio, in a garb of the most somber black, strolled about, hoping to find his Portia. Priscilla was there, in her collar and cap, but where was John Alden?

He then took up art and achieved eminent success in miniature painting and as a painter of landscapes, pictures of genre, still life, etc. His family name was originally Dunlop. Russell Smith, born in Glasgow in 1812, was a scientific draughtsman and landscape painter. Two of his finest landscapes, "Chocorua Peak" and "Cave at Chelton Hills" were exhibited in the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876.

I am aching to try the Chelton, Cora." Cora and Freda were talking in whispers in the other end of the boat. It was no "mere household truck" surely that brought the serious expression to their faces. "It isn't far," Freda was heard to say, "and he promised to wait for us this morning." "And I do want to be with you," Cora answered.

Just now I cannot see how it is all going to be managed." "Well, when the Chelton boys arrive I guess the girls will not be so particular about their time," said Duncan. "I fancy even the captain will have to show somebody the beauties of Breakwater. But hark! Wasn't that Daisy? I just heard a breath. We are only about ten miles from home Daisy can easily breathe that long when she is excited.

"But if I go over there I'm afraid the spray will get on my dress," objected Lottie. "And it spots terribly, especially with salt water." "I'll change over," said Marita. "I don't mind if my dress does get wet." "You're a dear," sighed Lottie, as she settled back among the cushions. "And you're a bit selfish," thought Cora. The Chelton, now in better trim, skimmed over the bay.

"Well, of all things!" exclaimed Jack, who seemed unable to get over it. "And you're on her side, eh, Ed? Why, man, not a fellow in the whole of Chelton ever got through more than one dance with her except Sid Wilcox, and I can't see why he sticks to her." "Then the Chelton fellows are slow," commented Ed as he critically examined the ring. "I think Ida is quite taking."

It was within ten feet of her now, and as she opened the throttle of the Chelton a trifle more, she tried to get a glimpse of the controlling mechanism of her rival's craft. She stood up to do this, and, as she did so there came a slapping wave against the bow of her boat. Cora staggered at the wheel, and Lottie screamed. "Be quiet!" commanded Cora. "It's all right." "But we roll so!"

Why should she stop at the thought of propriety? Was it not all right for her to ride with Doctor Bennet, to reach Chelton by noon and return before night? She must go. She would go if every motor girl went along with her. Mrs. Bennet was one of those dear women who seem to take girls right to her heart.

It was indeed a merry crowd, and well worth noticing, as was evinced by the number of curious spectators already assembled on the dock to which the Chelton was tied. "Who's the man?" asked Jack, espying a striking figure in the throng. "Oh, that's Uncle Denny; don't you know him? He is the dearest "

There was, too, a sort of comradeship about a motor boat that lent a chaperonage to the effect of girls talking to men to whom they had never been introduced. Cora's chums realized this and thought nothing of her offer. "Follow me," Cora called, as she opened the throttle a little wider, and the Chelton shot ahead.