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Of all the dancing academies that ever were established, there never was one more popular in its immediate vicinity than Signor Billsmethi’s, of the ‘King’s Theatre.’ It was not in Spring-gardens, or Newman-street, or Berners-street, or Gower-street, or Charlotte-street, or Percy-street, or any other of the numerous streets which have been devoted time out of mind to professional people, dispensaries, and boarding-houses; it was not in the West-end at allit rather approximated to the eastern portion of London, being situated in the populous and improving neighbourhood of Gray’s-inn-lane.

Fixing, therefore a night when her services in Williamson-square were not required, my friend and the fair comedienne betook themselves to Great Charlotte-street and presented themselves at the gallery door where the gentleman tendered the price of their admission. Now the lady had a thick veil on that she might, as she hoped, conceal her well-known features. But it seems that Mr.

As I must disguise you before we go, and that cannot well be done here, suppose you dine with me at my lodgings." "I shall be too happy," said I, not a little surprised at the offer. "I am in Charlotte-street, Bloomsbury, No. . You must ask for me by the name of Captain Douglas," said Job, with dignity, "and we'll dine at five, in order to have time for your preliminary initiation."

As I must disguise you before we go, and that cannot well be done here, suppose you dine with me at my lodgings." "I shall be too happy," said I, not a little surprised at the offer. "I am in Charlotte-street, Bloomsbury, No. . You must ask for me by the name of Captain Douglas," said Job, with dignity, "and we'll dine at five, in order to have time for your preliminary initiation."

The clock had struck four before I left Ellen's, and without returning to my hotel, I threw myself into a hackney coach, and drove to Charlotte-street.

Thirty years ago Great Charlotte-street, at the Ranelagh-street end, was a narrow, poorly-built thoroughfare.