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"But Father Maloney said he'd be persecuted for bigummy if he did it, an' he'd have fur to do it himsilf; an' so, bad cess to it, fayther stuck the ind of his dhudeen in the ink-bottle, I'll take me oath, sor, an' soigned his name thare, sor, jist whare ye say it, wid his own hand, as Oi'm a livin' sinner!" "Well, well, Donovan, that's enough.

With this I handed her a ten-spot which she looked at suspiciously and said, "If ever I get that ould potato pounder over in New York it's exercise I'll give him! Sure, I'll run him from th' Bat'hry to Harlem widout a shtop for meals, bad cess to him!"

People would, for instance, go on living over a cess- pool, working themselves up into an agony to discover how they had incurred the displeasure of the Lord, but never moving away. He recommended, whatever physicians in such cases always recommend, but nothing was done. If I was feeble it was the Lord's will, and we must acquiesce.

"Bad 'cess to the 'terrier! I have a good mind to punch him in the ear-hole." "That would fetch a bashing, Pat." "Troth, and I've had a bashing once afore, and what I've had once I can do with agin." "Did you holloa when you were bashed?" "Holloa! by the piper, I sang out

A new Privy Council was sworn in on his arrival at Dublin, with royal instructions "to concur with" the Deputy, and 20,000 pounds a year in addition to the whole of the cess levied in the country were guaranteed to enable him to carry out his great scheme of the "reduction."

Hampton carelessly waved his hand toward the rear room, the door of which stood ajar, and blew a thick cloud of smoke into the air, his eyes continuing to gaze dreamily through the open window toward the distant hills. "Who's running the game over at the Occidental?" he asked, professionally. "Red Slavin, bad cess to him!" and her eyes regarded her questioner with renewed anxiety.

"Our rivals, perhaps, though I do not like to accuse any man on such small evidence," said Walter. "But we must adopt new measures." "And be very careful of the fuses," said Job. "Thot's what I will!" declared Tim. "I'll put th' supply in a new place. No wonder there was blasts before th' min could git out th' way! Bad cess t' th' imps thot did this!" and he banged his big fist down on the table.

On the 3d of February, he was brought before the Council, and received his indictment. In it, he was charged with casting off the fear of God disowning the king's authority preaching in the fields and teaching the people to refuse to pay cess, and to carry arms in self-defence.

"Fwat sinse in the ould man bodderin' us?" grumbled Corporal Kennedy, a tall Fenian dragoon from the British army. "Sure, ain't it as plain as the sun and faith the same's not plain this dirthy mornin' that there's no work for cavalry the day, barrin' it's escortin' the doughboys' prisoners, if they take any? bad 'cess to the job.

"Faith, now, don't I know what another would have said? Don't I know my fellow-man at all?" "Sometimes I think you do, and sometimes I think you don't. Anyway, you don't know your fellow-woman. There was that affair of the Spaniards." "Will ye never forget it?" "Never." "Bad cess to your memory. Is there no good in me at all that you could be dwelling on instead?" "Oh, several things."