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At this synod holden at Hatfield, was present one Iohn the archchanter of S. Peters church at Rome, sent into this land of purpose to bring from hence a certificat vnto pope Agatho of the agréement of the English church in matters of faith, with other churches of the christian world: but the foresaid archchanter died by the way in France, as he returned homewards, and was buried at Towers in Towraine.

He was coming back at my request to pass an examination in English, the same that his brother had passed successfully two years ago for the Certificat d'aptitude, after which he got his post of professor at Macon. I had thought that if Richard failed as an artist he might be glad to fall back upon a professorship, and it turned out so.

Matth. For addressing and sending out messengers with all spéed vnto the pope, with a certificat of the whole matter as it laie, he required to be assoiled of the bond which he had vnaduisedlie entred into. This suit was soone granted, in so much that the pope directed his especiall letters vnto him, conteining the same absolution in verie ample and large manner, as Matth. Paris dooth report.

The ease with which he had carried off the Certificat d'aptitude made him sanguine about being ready for the Agregation in the course of a year, after which he would be entitled to a post in the University. He would not abandon art, he said, but would not follow it as a profession. It was a great relief that the resolution should have been his own; but it surprised Mr.

Any other mode of getting at any knowledge of the real significance of the science of this time is mere pretence. These constitute the documents behind any scientific history of the development of science at this time. It is extremely interesting to see the attitude of these men with regard to authority. In his impressive Latin phrase "experimentum solum certificat in talibus."