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"Oh," said Lemercier, conceitedly, and passing his hand through his scented locks, "women are different; love levels all ranks. I don't blame Ruy Blas for accepting the love of a queen, but I do blame him for passing himself off as a noble, a plagiarism, by the by, from an English play. I do not love the English enough to copy them. A propos, what has become of ce beau Grarm Varn?

Ce general toujours surpris, Qu'a regret le jeune Louis Vit sans culottes en Italie, Courir pour derober sa vie Aux Germains, guerriers impolis. this General wished to investigate your Comte Dufour, foreign Count, who the instant he arrives sets about inviting people to supper that are perfect strangers.

«Les plus petits recoins des montagnes, qui peuvent arrêter l'eau de la pluie, sont certainement fertilisés; ce ne sont pas seulement les grandes surfaces plates, ni les pentes; ce sont même les faces escarpées des rochers les plus durs. S'il s'y fait quelque crevasse, un arbre s'y établit bientôt; et souvent il contribue, par l'accroissement de ses racines,

"It is Sunday, and I have had my curiosity excited to hear a celebrated preacher Mr. , who they tell me, is now more talked of than any author in London." "They tell you truly I will go with you I myself have not yet heard him, but proposed to do so this very day." "Are you not jealous of a man so much spoken of?" "Jealous! why, I never set up for a popular preacher! ce n'est pas mon metier."

Messire Bénédict prit ce dernier parti. En conséquence nous retournâmes

«La principaute de Porrentrui l'emporte encore en ce genre sur le reste du Jura

"Ah!" he said in an expectant tone; "then you will no doubt pass much of your time in endeavoring to alleviate their troubles their self-inflicted troubles, with all deference to ce cher prince." "Why with deference to me?" asked Paul, looking up quietly, with something in his steady gaze that made Maggie glance anxiously at Steinmetz.

The story repeated by most of Cavour's biographers, that in putting off the page's uniform he uttered some scornful words which, reported to Charles Albert, changed the goodwill of that prince into hostility, rests on doubtful authority; but it seems to be true that Charles Albert, who began by being very well disposed to the son and nephew of his friends, calling him in one letter "the interesting youth who justifies such great hopes," and in another, "ce charmant Camille," came to consider his quondam protégé a restless spirit, inconvenient in the present and possibly dangerous in the future.

When he did see it, he noted that it was as white as marble. "Aha! Ce bon Steinmetz!" cried Vassili, with less formality, holding out his hand with frank and boyish good humor. "Aha! Ce cher Vassili!" returned Steinmetz, taking the hand.

'The Amours of the Gauls' was the pretence of his imprisonment; but the true cause was the song in which the king was treated with too much freedom, and which, upon this occasion, was brought to remembrance to ruin Bussi, the reputed author of it. Que Deodatus est heureux, De baiser ce bec amoureux, Qui d'une oreille a l'autre va!