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The knee should be almost flat and level; there should be no curve until coming to the toes, which should be very strong, round, cat-shaped, and every toe clean set as it were. FORE-RIBS AND BRISKET Deep, fine ribs are very essential, and the brisket should be well below the elbows. BACK AND LOINS Back should be straight. A hollow back offends the eye much, and a roach back is worse.

This creature was six feet long from the tip of its round, cat-shaped nose to the end of its stumpy, beaver-shaped tail, with fur the colour of ebony on the surface, soft seal-colour and grey below, and deep as sable.

Too bad their psychology wasn't adjusted to aliens! Barth Nevesh was nearly seven feet tall, and his cat-shaped ears stuck up another four inches above his head. Even among the people of Kel he was a big man, but to the representatives of the other humanoid worlds of the Federation, he seemed a giant.

There should be great depth of heart room, very deep brisket, narrow chest rather than otherwise, shoulders long and slanting. LEGS AND FEET Should be as nearly like the Foxhound's as possible. There should be really no difference, as they must be straight, the knees big, and the bone should be of goodly size down to the toes, and the feet should be very round and cat-shaped.

Its ears were erect, short and blackish; its head and muzzle cat-shaped; and its whole body somewhat resembled the figure of a cat except that its back, instead of being arched, was hollow, and sunk away below the level of its gaunt muscular shoulders.