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There, that will do famously," said Vivian, fanning the flame with his hat. "See, it mounts well! And now, God bless you all! for I am an hour too late, and must scamper for my very life." Mrs. Million arrived, and kept her promise; only three carriages-and-four!

Million to say that we shall be most happy to see her; but as the castle is very full, she must not come with five carriages-and-four, as she did last year." "And will Mrs. Million dine with us in the Hall, Marquess?" asked Cynthia Courtown. "Mrs.

Carriages-and-four dashing through the streets at all hours of the day; troops marching here and there, with drums and fifes playing some coming in, others embarking for foreign lands; artisans of all sorts hurrying in, certain to get work at high wages; men-of-war, and merchantmen, and store-ships, and troop-ships sailing in and out every day; boats laden with men and chests pulling across the harbour; seamen crowding every quay; pressgangs at work catching men to fight England's battles; and then such hurrying to and fro, and shrieking of women, and shouting of men, and crying of children, and revelling, and laughter, and scenes of extravagance, and debauchery, and vice I had never before beheld, and did not think could exist in a civilised part of the globe.

The place swarmed with seamen and officers; troops were marching in and out; carriages-and-four were dashing down from London; bands were playing; the hotels swarmed with visitors come to see their friends off; ships were being commissioned and fitted out with unwonted rapidity; and all was life, activity, and energy.

They weren't taken along in carriages-and-four, either; they were mostly dragged along by the scruff of the neck. Billy Malkeela, the South Sea diver, summed up the Japanese question "Seems to me dis Islan' soon b'long Japanee altogedder. Now no more rickatta. All money go Japan!" An English new-chum made his appearance there lately a most undefeated sportsman.

The new phaetons glided up, then carriages-and-four swept by; in general the bachelors were ensconced in their comfortable broughams, with their glasses down and their blinds drawn, to receive the air and to exclude the dust; some less provident were cavaliers, but, notwithstanding the well-watered roads, seemed a little dashed as they cast an anxious glance at the rose which adorned their button-hole, or fancied that they felt a flying black from a London chimney light upon the tip of their nose.

But if he were as rich as Lord he could not be more respected. The greatest folk in the country come in their carriages-and-four to see him. There is not a man more talked on in the whole county than Eugene Aram " "What!" cried the traveller, his countenance changing as he sprang from his seat. "What! Aram! Did you say Aram? Great heavens! How strange!" "What!