United States or Cuba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The cheap brocade cover, which a bride had once joyed to embroider with red and green roses, was half pulled off and dragged on the floor amid the cigarette butts, Durham tobacco, and bacon rinds which covered the green-and-yellow carpet-rug. This much Mr. Wrenn saw. Then he set himself to the hard task of listening to Charley, who was muttering: "Back quick, ain't you, ol' Wrenn?

Of course I feel extremely annoyed and disheartened to have a quarrel of this sort with the man who has the greatest influence in the country. But I must hold out, since my situation is not yet desperate. As something agreeable, in counterpoise, I may mention that Haj Ibrahim, on visiting the Sultan, found His Highness reclining on the carpet-rug which I gave him.

She could have managed it more deftly, would have done so at another time, but it was her express intention just now to make him move back out of her way, if only to give her an opportunity to disturb by a backward stroke of her broom the folds of the carpet-rug and learn if she could what lay hidden behind it. But the judge was impervious to discomfort.

The books on the table were unspotted and laid in rigid parallels; not one corner of the carpet-rug was curled; and nowhere was there a hockey-stick, a torn picture-book, an old cap, or a gregarious and disorganizing dog. At home, Babbitt never read with absorption. He was concentrated enough at the office but here he crossed his legs and fidgeted.

The Sultan then turned to me, and said, "Go, Christian, wherever you please; in my country fear nothing go where everybody else goes." After this I presented my little backsheesh to His Highness, consisting of a small carpet-rug to sit or recline upon, a zamailah or turban, and a shumlah or sash, large and full, and scarlet, like the Spaniards wear.