United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Dick the younger laughed heartily, but really had not ready virtue sufficient about, to disclaim the pedlar's compliment. "Come, then," he added; "let us hear what your favor is?" "Oh, thin, thank you, an' God bless you, captain. It's this: only to know if you'd be good enough to grant a new lease of Cargah Farm to young Condy Dalton; for the ould man, by all accounts, is not long for this world."

Divil a one but that's a good thought!" "There it is in black an' white. Who comes next? Frank M'Carroll. He's a farmer. I'll put down a spade an' a harrow. Well, that's done two tumblers." "I won't mistake that, aither. It's clear enough." "Bartle Gorman's of Cargah. Bartle's a little lame, an' uses a staff wid a cross on the end that he houlds in his hand.

How many's that?" "Nine!!!" "Very good. Now put down one wid ould' Bartle Gorman, of Cargah; an' two over wid honest Roger M'Gaugy, of Nurchasey. How-many have you now?" "Twelve in all!!!! But, Misther Connelly there's a demonstration badly wanted here. I must confis I was always bright, but at present I'm as dark as Nox. I'd thank you for a taste of explanation." "Asy, man alive!

"I solemnly and meritoriously, and soberly swear, that a single tumbler of whiskey punch shall not cross my lips during the twenty-four hours of the day, barring twelve, the locality of which is as followeth: "Imprimis Two tumblers at home, 2 Secundo Two more ditto at my son Dan's, 2 Tertio Two more ditto behind my own garden, 2 Quarto One ditto at the Reverend Father Mulcahy's, 1 Quinto Two more ditto at Frank M'Carroll s, of Kilclay, 2 Sexto One ditto wid ould Bartle Gorman, of Cargah, 1 Septimo Two more ditto wid honest Roger M'Gaugy, of Nurchasey, 2 ==== 12 N.B. Except in case any Docthor of Physic might think it right and medical to ordher me more for my health; or in case I could get Father Mulcahy to take the oath off of me for a start, at a wedding, or a christening, or at any other meeting of friends where there's drink.

That the said Cornelius Dalton entered upon the farm of Cargah, with a handsome capital and abundant stock, as became a man bent on improving it, for both the intrinsic and external edification and comfort of himself and family.