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Because of the distance between the most dependent part of the femerotibial articulation and the summit of the patella, one may misjudge the exact location of the lowermost part of this portion of the capsular ligament of the stifle joint and thereby fail at once to appreciate the seriousness of calk wounds in this region. Etiology and Occurrence.

In relation to the bones also there may be reactive changes, resulting in the formation of spicules of new bone on the periosteal surfaces and at the attachment of the capsular and other ligaments; these are only met with where pyogenic infection has been superadded. Terminations and Sequelæ. A natural process of cure may occur at any stage, the tuberculous tissue being replaced by scar tissue.

Ledderhose and others regard ganglia as entirely new formations in the peri-articular tissues, resulting from colloid degeneration of the fibrous tissue of the capsular ligament, occurring at first in numerous small areas which later coalesce. Ganglia are probably, therefore, of the nature of degeneration cysts arising in the capsule of joints, in tendons, and in their sheaths. Treatment.

He finally won Ann's father over on the day when Ike Sutherland learned to his cost that the Reverend Orme could discern through the back of his head that distension of the capsular ligament of the hock commonly termed a bog spavin. Ann did not share her husband's extreme views.

These inflammations are usually non-infective in character. The cul-de-sac of the capsular ligament of the fetlock joint which extends upward between the bifurcation of the suspensory ligament is the most frequently affected structure in this region. When distended, two spheroidal masses bulge laterally and anterior to the flexor tendons in a characteristic manner.

The carpal bones as they articulate with one another and with the radius and metacarpal bones, as classed by anatomists, form three distinct articular parts of the joint as a whole and are known as radiocarpal, intercarpal and carpometacarpal. These three pairs of articulating surfaces are all enclosed within one capsular ligament.

The effect of the alcohol upon the liver is upon the minute membranous or capsular structure of the organ, upon which, it acts to prevent the proper dialysis and free secretion. The organ, at first, becomes large from the distention of its vessels, the surcharge of fluid matter and the thickening of tissue.

I saw no more of our patient for four days, when I found that he had fallen, and that the elbow on the other side was fractured within the capsular ligament. A very distinct crepitus could be felt, and the dog cried sadly when the joint was moved. I would have destroyed him, but he was a favourite with his master, and we tried what a few days more would produce.

The greater part of the long extensor has been removed. 1, 2, 3. Stumps of patellar ligaments. 4. Tuberosity of tibia. The ligaments are femerotibial, femeropatellar and capsular. In addition to the usual provision for articulation of bones there are situated cartilaginous menisci between the condyles of the femur and the head of the tibia.

Wounds to the patellar region are of rather frequent occurrence, and because of the comparatively unprotected position of these structures, the capsular ligaments of the stifle joint may be perforated as a result of violence in some form.