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I have not expressed, because I have not words when I feel much, I never can say any thing; yet believe me, sir, I do feel your kindness, and all the warm fatherly interest you have this night shown that you have for me: but I am in a hurry to tell my good friends the Cambrays, who I know are impatient for my return, and I fear I am keeping them up beyond their usual hour."

"Not at all besides good Heavens! can't they sit up a quarter of an hour, if they are so much interested? Stay, you really hurry my slow wits one thing more I had to say pray, may I ask to which of the Miss Cambrays is it that you are so impatient to impart your good fortune?" "To both, sir," said Ormond "equally."

Cambray was one of those simple characters which puzzled Sir Ulick the idea of these Miss Cambrays, of the possibility of his ward's having formed an attachment that might interfere with his views, disturbed Sir Ulick's rest this night. His first operation in the morning was to walk down unexpectedly early to Vicar's Dale. He found Ormond with Dr.

His home had been with the de Cambrays ever since those old, sad days in England; he had a home to go to now: a home where the kindly friendship of the Comte as well as the love of Crystal was ready to welcome him. The warmth of anticipated happiness and well-being warmed his heart and gave strength to his body.

"Why," he said with a pleasant laugh, "what madcap ideas are floating through your head now?" "Madcap schemes?" ejaculated de Marmont. "Nothing more or less, my dear Clyffurde, than complete revenge for the humiliation those de Cambrays put upon me last Sunday." "Revenge? That sounds exciting," said Clyffurde with a smile, even while his palm itched to slap the young braggart's face.