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As Christy unlocked the cabin door, he discovered a negro lying on the deck, as close as he could get to the threshold. The man attempted to spring to his feet, but the officer seized him by the hair of the head, and pulled him into the cabin. "Here, Calwood, put your hand over this fellow's mouth!" said Christy to the quartermaster, who laid violent hands on him, assisted by Norlock.

"I will go on board at once, Mr. Walbrook," replied Christy. "It is necessary for me to inform you before I leave that this steamer has changed hands twice to-day, and her ship's company have given me a great deal of trouble. The prisoners are in the cabin under guard, and I must caution you to be vigilant. Calwood will inform you in regard to the particulars." "I am sorry to inform you that Mr.

The man at the wheel had been the last to be secured, and Calwood was put in his place, with directions to come about and steer for Egmont Key. Christy determined not to make the mistake Captain Stopfoot had committed in leaving his prisoners insufficiently guarded.

It was here that the first movement had been made. Calwood, who had been on duty here, said that two men had dropped down upon them; and when the third man came to learn the cause of the disturbance, he had been secured by two more. This was the noise that Christy had heard when he sent two hands from the forecastle to ascertain the occasion of it.

He backed this one up in the rear of Calwood, the quartermaster, and made him untie the line, which he could do with his fingers, though his wrists were bound. It was not the work of three minutes to unbind the rest of them. Christy broke a pane of glass in the door, and unlocked it with the key the captain had left in the keyhole.