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What matters it? Both Calore and Busne are sons of the same God. Antonio. You lie, brother, they are not of one father nor of one Errate. You speak of robbery, cruelty, and murder. There are too many Busne, brother; if there were no Busne there would be neither robbery nor murder.

At the Carcel de la Corte he found the notorious and immense Gitana, Aurora, who had fallen into the hands of the Busne for defrauding a rather foolish widow. "A great many people came to see me," Borrow wrote to his mother, "amongst others, General Quiroga, the Military Governor, who assured me that all he possessed was at my service. The Gypsies likewise came, but were refused admittance."

All pools and rivers hold New water! And the feathered singers weave New nests, forgetting where the old ones hung! Aye-yah the muddy highway sticks and clings, But I see in the open pastures new Unknown to busne* in the houses pent! I hear the new, warm raindrops drumming on the tent, I feel already on my feet delicious dew, I see the trail outflung! And oh, my heart has wings!

The Gypsy hag of Badajoz, who proposed to poison all the Busne in Madrid, and then away with the London Caloro to the land of the Moor his Greek servant Antonio, even though he begins with "Je vais vous raconter mon histoire du commencement jusqu'ici." the Italian whom he had met as a boy and who now regretted leaving England, the toasted cheese and bread, the Suffolk ale, the roaring song and merry jests of the labourers, and Antonio again, telling him "the history of the young man of the inn," these story-tellers are not merely consummate variations upon those of the "Decameron" and "Gil Blas."

I refused it them, saying that they could turn it to no profitable account; but finding that they could read, I promised them each a Testament in Spanish. This offer, however, they refused with disdain, saying that they cared for nothing written in the language of the Busne or Gentiles.

However, brother, you did wrong to speak to me in Calo, in a posada like this; it is a forbidden language; for, as I have often told you, the king has destroyed the law of the Cales. Towards evening we drew near to a large town or village. "That is Merida," said Antonio, "formerly, as the Busne say, a mighty city of the Corahai.

Take the chabi, therefore, and go to Madrilati to win the parne, and when you have got it, return, and we will give a banquet to all the Busne in Merida, and in their food I will mix drow, and they shall eat and burst like poisoned sheep. . . . And when they have eaten we will leave them, and away to the land of the Moor, my London Caloro.

Brother, I cannot imagine what business brought you to this country. Myself. Perhaps the same which brings you to this moor business of Egypt. Antonio. Not so, brother; you speak the language of Egypt, it is true, but your ways and words are neither those of the Cales nor of the Busne. Myself. Did you not hear me speak in the foros about God and Tebleque?

"Do so, brother," he replied, "and the gras will go lighter. Baggage, indeed! what need of baggage have you? How the Busne on the road would laugh if they saw two Cales with baggage behind them." Early one morning, before sunrise, I found myself at the house of Antonio; it was a small mean building, situated in a dirty street.

On to where the visions are! Aye-yee aye-yah! * Busne Gipsy word Gentile, or non-gipsy. Russia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Bohemia, Persia, Armenia were all one hunting-ground to the troupe we rode with. Even the children seemed to have a smattering of most of the tongues men speak in those intriguing lands.