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"You're a corker, Hans!" cried Tom in his natural voice. "You ought to join the buck-and-wing dancers in a minstrel company." "Vot vot ?" began the German boy in bewilderment. "Ain't you no Indian?" "To be sure I am; I'm Big Wolf, the Head Dancing Master of the Tuscaroras, Hans, dear boy. Don't you think I'm a stunner." "You vos Tom Rofer, made up," growled Hans in sudden and deep disgust.

She held on to the table while she ate. She did not look as if she needed to eat any more. Kedzie was proud to know people who had been as famous as these two said they had been, but Bottger and Jambers used to fight bitterly over their respective schools of expression. Bottger insisted that the buck-and-wing and the double shuffle and other forms of jiggery were low.

The girls are as natural as paint can make them, all measuring 36 and 25 and 42 skirts, if they had any skirts, and they're doing a buck-and-wing on the bank of a river with the blues. What did Mr. Morgan say he'd give for it? Oh, don't make me tell you. They can't know what it is in that pawnshop."

The little fellow with the broom-stick, ceasing a useless protest, reached a bit forward and tapped dreamily the rail in front of him. The Jamaican suddenly sent the can of water some rods down the track, danced an artistic buck-and-wing shuffle on the thin air above his head, sat down on the back of his neck, and after trying a moment in vain to kick the railroad out by the roots, lay still.

Bob Hart had been roaming through the Eastern and Western circuits for four years with a mixed-up act comprising a monologue, three lightning changes with songs, a couple of imitations of celebrated imitators, and a buck-and-wing dance that had drawn a glance of approval from the bass-viol player in more than one house than which no performer ever received more satisfactory evidence of good work.

The important point is that, in his thirty-first year, after six seasons of untiring effort, Archibald went in for a championship, and won it. Archibald, mark you, whose golf was a kind of blend of hockey, Swedish drill, and buck-and-wing dancing. I know the ordeal I must face when I make such a statement.

He nodded amiably but coldly at the long line of Mike's patrons and strolled past them into the rear room of the cafe. For he heard in there sounds pertaining to his own art the light, stirring staccato of a buck-and-wing dance. In the back room Mac McGowan was giving a private exhibition of the genius of his feet.

Doc's part in the evening's entertainment was a buck-and-wing dance of a most violent sort, and when he had finished, Jarrow told him to serve all hands with a tot of rum. Everybody went to bed in the best of spirits, and for the first time since leaving Manila it appeared that the whole ship's company was contented. Trask left his room door open, and was awakened several times during the night.

In the center of the room was a large man dancing a fair buck-and-wing to the time so uproariously set by his companions. Hatless, neck-kerchief loose, holsters flapping, chaps rippling out and close, spurs clinking and perspiration streaming from his tanned face, danced Bigfoot Baker as though his life depended on speed and noise. Bottles shook and the air was fogged with smoke and dust.

Buck leaned with his broad back against the bar, talking over his shoulder to the bartender, but watching Tenspot Davis, who was assiduously engaged in juggling a handful of Mexican dollars. Up by the door Bigfoot Baker, elated at winning the buck-and-wing contest, was endeavoring to learn a new step, while his late rival was drowning his defeat at Buck's elbow.