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"The last boy-friend I had used to quarrel furiously with me at least once a week," said Cicely reflectively; "but then he had dark slumberous eyes that lit up magnificently when he was angry, so it would have been a sheer waste of God's good gifts not to have sent him into a passion now and then."

He's a jolly boy, as cheerful as you could want and is very good company. He gave me a vivid description. He had a great boy-friend. At the start of the war they both joined, S. in the Artillery, his friend in the Mounted Rifles. At parting they exchanged identification tokens.

After Edgar North was taken home, to be for ever with his Saviour, Arthur returned to Myrtle Hill with a sad, sad heart; for he loved Edgar very much, and he was the only boy-friend he ever had.

Guly would fain have accompanied him, but Wilkins induced him to remain, not wishing to familiarize the pure heart of his boy-friend with the scenes in which he felt convinced he must look for the wanderer. Wilkins faithfully kept his word, and left no place unsearched wherein he thought it possible to find Arthur.

This was in a back yard of a small side street. She registered Nelka under her maiden name and me not at all. If seen, I was just supposed to be a boy-friend visiting. However, things were getting more and more dangerous, and we had to invent something if we were to save ourselves.

Never had Lottie seemed to him so utterly a child as immediately after his talk with her boy-friend. "Here are some books," said the hurrying pen, "which I think you will like if your eye is not so bad as to prevent your reading. Robin was keeping his disconsolate watch close by, as you foretold, and asked anxiously after you, so I gave him your message and dismissed him.

Now, Whitney's place, with its stately old brick mansion, its avenue of silver firs, and its two hundred acres of clean, warm-lying land, was the finest, the most aristocratic property in all the neighborhood, and the boy-friend could not resist the temptation of repeating Jacob's grand design, for the endless amusement of the school. The betrayal hurt Jacob more keenly than the ridicule.

"Frank," said he to his boy-friend, "I want you to put away my violin safely, and keep it until after the auction." "Of course I will, Phil; but won't you want to play on it!" "Not at present. I'll tell you why I want it put away." And Philip told his friend about Nick's application to purchase it, and the liberal offer he had made.

In Latium no other influences were powerful in public and private life but prudence, riches, and strength; it was reserved for the Hellenes to feel the blissful ascendency of beauty, to minister to the fair boy-friend with an enthusiasm half sensuous, half ideal, and to reanimate their lost courage with the war-songs of the divine singer.

He never bears malice," said Adela, remembering her early dealings with the boy-friend of her girlhood. "He can be very stern now. I know it will come to our quarrelling; and when he finds that he cannot have his own way, that I cannot yield to him, his proud heart will revolt from me; I know it will."