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Gus, however, was honest enough with himself to own that he would rather have had an aimless stroll with Cotton than any amount of footer-gazing or "bottle-washing." But Cotton had definitely thrown him over; they did not nod when they met, and Jim was very careful not to see Gus walking in solitary state in the roadway.

As a rule, the laboratory was empty on half-holidays, and Gus used to work through his tables in solitude, when he tried a little "bottle-washing" as a change from the refereeing, but one afternoon he found no less a person than W.E. Grim, the prize fag of Biffen's, doing something very seriously with a green powder. "Hullo, young 'un! What are you footling round here for?"

"I'm to take it on then," said Rose, and her voice had a new ring in it the ring of scornful anger "I'm to take it on as a sort of polite sentimental amusement. I'm not to do any real work for them that depends on me to get done. I'm not to be able to feel that, even in a bottle-washing sort of way, I'm doing an indispensable service for them.

Grim was no end cocky over that." "Grimmy waste a 'halfer' bottle-washing! Rot! That isn't his form, Wilson." "If," said Poulett, impressively, "he has sunk so low, we must give him an 'elpin' 'and, pore feller!" "Rather. If Lancaster has put the cover over old Grimmy we must get him out somehow. Let's adjourn to see."

He had by this time climbed up from his bottle-washing to be a clerk in a drygoods store in Washington; but he was still poor and as unpractical as most inventors. Joseph Henry, the Sage of the American scientific world, was his friend, though too old to give him any help.