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'W was Jentham Bos Bosvile? he stammered. 'Are are you sure? 'I am certain, replied Miss Whichello, with a scared look. 'I have seen him dozens of times. Bishop! Her voice rose in a scream, for Dr Pendle had fallen forward on his desk. 'Oh, my God! cried the bishop. 'Oh, God most merciful! The little old lady was trembling violently.

They lived together as man and wife for six months up to May 1870, after which Bosvile deserted the unhappy lady. 'After spending all her money, the wretch! put in Miss Whichello, angrily.

Departure from Llandovery A Bitter Methodist North and South The Caravan Captain Bosvile Deputy Ranger A Scrimmage The Heavenly Gwynfa Dangerous Position. ON the tenth I departed from Llandovery, which I have no hesitation in saying is about the pleasantest little town in which I have halted in the course of my wanderings.

He related in detail the imposture of Jentham, the murder by Mosk, who since had taken his own life, and the revelation of Miss Whichello, ending with the production of the documents proving the several marriages, and a short statement explaining the same. 'Here, said Dr Pendle, 'is the certificate of marriage between Pharaoh Bosvile and Ann Whichello, dated December 1869.

But a Bosvile he was born, and a Bosvile he died. 'That is just it! said Baltic, in English, for he grew weary of using the gipsy language, in which, from disuse, he was no great proficient. 'How did he die? 'He was shot, lovey, replied Mother Jael, relapsing also into the vulgar tongue; 'shot, dearie, on this blessed common. 'Who shot him? 'Job! my noble rye, I can't say.

Also, as Bosvile, alias Krant, alias Jentham was said to be a gipsy on the authority of Miss Whichello, and as the information that Baltic was in the confidence of Mother Jael had trickled through Brace and Graham to the bishop, the last named considered it advisable that the ex-sailor should be informed of the actual truth.

They appeared in Europe about the fifteenth century, calling themselves, falsely enough, Egyptians. But both Borrow and Leland are agreed that 'I don't want to hear about the gipsies, interrupted Miss Whichello, cutting short the doctor's disquisition; 'all I know is, that if Bosvile or Jentham, or whatever he called himself, is a sample of them, they are a wicked lot of Moabites.

In the South, too, he had the supreme good fortune to meet Captain Bosvile for the first time for thirty years, and not being recognised, said, "I am the chap what certain folks calls the Romany Rye."

I can't stay any longer. As it is, I shall be late at Gutter Vawr." "Farewell, brother!" said Captain Bosvile; and, giving a cry, he cracked, his whip and set his horses in motion. "Won't you give us sixpence to drink?" cried Mrs Bosvile, with a rather shrill voice. "Hold your tongue, you she-dog," said Captain Bosvile. "Is that the way in which you take leave of an old friend?

'Thank you, Mr Baltic, said the bishop, taking the slip of paper tendered by the missionary, 'but I trust that er that this woman knows little of the truth. 'She knows nothing, my lord, save that Bosvile, for his own purposes, took the names of Amaru and Jentham at different times.