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"Before anything is settled," replied the baron, "go and ask my character of any of our young friends, Borrowell, Spendquick whom you please; you will hear me abused, of course; but they will all say this of me, that when I pass my word, I keep it. If I say, 'Mon cher, you shall have the money, a man has it; if I say, 'I renew your bill for six months, it is renewed.

He repaired to young men whom be esteemed better judges on these points than Spendquick and Borrowell, young men who resembled the Merry Monarch, inasmuch as "They never said a foolish thing, And never did a wise one." There are many such young men about town, sharp and able in all affairs except their own.

He might hurry to town, see Madame di Negra, blurt out some passionate, rude expressions, which would wake her resentment, and cause her instant rejection. And it might be too late if he repented afterwards, as he would be sure to do." Borrowell, and Baron Levy.

Another reason for wanting money, if you can help me, mon cher! An execution in the house of one of the most brilliant women in London, an execution in Curzon Street, May Fair! It will be all over the town if I can't stop it. Yours in haste, LEVY. P.S. Don't let what I have said vex you too much. I should not trouble you if Spendquick and Borrowell would pay me something.

"Many a clever fellow fails through life, because the silly fellows, whom half a word well spoken could make his claqueurs, turn him into ridicule. Whatever you are, avoid the fault of most reading men: in a word, don't be a prig!" "I have just left Hazeldean," said Randal. "What a good fellow he is!" "Capital!" said the Honourable George Borrowell. "Where is he?" "Why, he is gone to his rooms.

Another reason for wanting money, if you can help me, mon cher! An execution in the house of one of the most brilliant women in London, an execution in Curzon Street, May Fair! It will be all over the town if I can't stop it. Yours in haste, LEVY. P.S. -Don't let what I have said vex you too much. I should not trouble you if Spendquick and Borrowell would pay me something.

He repaired to young men whom he esteemed better judges on these points than Spendquick and Borrowell, young men who resembled the Merry Monarch, inasmuch as "They never said a foolish thing, And never did a wise one." There are many such young men about town, sharp and able in all affairs except their own.

"Yes; but poor Borrowell got into such a scrape at Goodwood, I could not resist him; a debt of honour, that must be paid; so when I signed another bill for him, he could not pay it, poor fellow! Really he would have shot himself, if I had not renewed it.

"Many a clever fellow fails through life, because the silly fellows, whom half a word well spoken could make his claqueurs, turn him into ridicule. Whatever you are, avoid the fault of most reading men: in a word, don't be a prig!" "I have just left Hazeldean," said Randal. "What a good fellow he is!" "Capital!" said the Honourable George Borrowell. "Where is he?" "Why, he is gone to his rooms.

"Before anything is settled," replied the baron, "go and ask my character of any of our young friends, Borrowell, Spendquick whom you please; you will hear me abused, of course; but they will all say this of me, that when I pass my word, I keep it. If I say, /Mon cher/, you shall have the money, a man has it; if I say, 'I renew your bill for six months, it is renewed.